Psychosocial/Mental Health Flashcards
Chronic illness
Disease lasting longer than 3 months
Limitation that hinders a child’s ability to fully participate in society
Types of child abuse (5)
Physical, Munchausen syndrome, emotional, neglect, sexual
Munchausen syndrome signs
Unexplained, prolonged, or extremely rare illnesses
Discrepancies between history and clinical findings
Unresponsive to treatment
Symptoms only present when parent is there
Emotional abuse signs
FTT, enuresis, habit disorders, passive, aggressive, SI
Sexual abuse signs
Difficulty walking/sitting
Torn, stained, or bloody underclothes
Trauma in oral, genital, anal regions
Pain, itching, STDs, genital discharge
Weight loss, eating disorders
<5 y/o - regression in feeding/toileting, frequent underwear changes
5-10 y/o - school problems, night terrors, refusal of physical activity
Adolescents - running away, drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, eating disorders, depression
Failure to thrive
Deceleration or arrested physical growth whereby height and weight measurements fall below the 5th percentile, or there is a downward change in growth across two major growth percentiles
Death - infants and toddlers
No concept of death but may react to separation and loss
Infants - can cry excessively, resist comfort, eat less, sleep more
Toddlers - may regress, become more aggressive or fearful, changes in eating and sleeping habits
Death - preschool
May see death as temporary or reversible
Can believe they caused a death or that death is a punishment or wish fulfillment
May feel terminal illness is contagious
May become aggressive, fear sleeping or have nightmares - magical thinking
Death - young school age (6-8)
See death as real, frightening, and violent
May believe they can avoid death by being good
May personify death - ex. boogie man
Death - older school age (8-12)
Interested in details of death and funeral
May become sad and lonely
Death - adolescents
Grief, unable to prioritize losses
Developmental disability
Characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior
Originates before age 18 (during developmental period)
Characterized by IQ of <70
Mild developmental disability
IQ of 50-70
Moderate developmental disability
IQ of 33-55
Severe developmental disability
IQ of 20-35
Profound developmental disability
IQ below 20
Autism spectrum disorder - clinical manifestations
Impaired social interactions, delayed speech and language, abnormal communication (echolalia, using a single word, talking in length on favorite topic, using a word with special meaning), rigid obsessive behaviors, abnormal motor movements, hand flapping, difficulty adapting to new situations, aggression, sleep problems, intellectual disability, GI problems, mental health disorders
A - autism is prevalent L - listen to the parents A - act early R - refer M - monitor
Hospitalizations - autism
Keep rituals, bring objects from home, consistent staffing
Autism screening
Should be done at 18-24 months, sooner if exhibiting symptoms
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Persistent pattern of inattention or hyperactivity with impulsivity
6 or more symptoms of inattention or/and hyperactivity and impulsivity that have persisted for at least 6 months to a degree that is maladaptive and inconsistent with development level
ADHD medications (3)
Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Methylin, Focalin), tricyclic antidepressants, atomoxetine (Strattera)
Methylphenidate adverse effects
Nervousness, restlessness, dizziness, impaired thinking, headache, loss of appetite, dry mouth
Tricyclic antidepressants adverse effect
Dental caries
Mood dysregulation disorder
Severe and recurrent temper outbursts that are markedly disproportionate in intensity or duration to the situation
Outbursts occur on average 3 or more times a week for 1 year or more
Between outbursts, child displays persistent irritable mood most of the day nearly every day
Depression - infants
Failure to eat and develop
Depression - toddlers
Depression - preschool
Decreased play, self-destructive themes
Depression - school age
Decreased academic performance, decreased activity, somatic complaints
Depression - adolescent
Decreased school performance, sleeping and eating problems, anxiety, aggression, SI
SI signs
Lethargy/malaise, inability to sleep or early morning awakening, loss of appetite or overeating, excessive crying, giving away cherished possessions, preoccupation with death themes, statement to commit suicide