Psychopharamcology Flashcards
What are the 4 steps of pharmacokinetics
1) Absorption: through tissues or blood
2) Distribution: Drug goes to the body and blood
3) Metabolism: Inactive form by liver enzymes
4) Excretion: Through urine by kidneys
What are pharmacodynamics
The mechanism and effects of medication with the body. How meds work and what meds work best
What is the dose-reponse curve
Shows the effect of the drug depending on the amount administered. After a plateau, increasing the dose of a drug will not produce stronger effects
What is another term commonly used for therapeutic index
Safety ratio
What is the therapeutic index
Window between the difference of the pharamceutical benefits and toxicity. The smaller the window the less space there is for mistakes.
What is a tolerance to a drug characterized by
Diminished response to a drug after repeated exposure
What is a drug that has a very small therapeutic index
Barbiturate (2-3)
What is a consequence of drug tolerance
More drug is needed to have the same effect
Is cross-tolerance good or bad
What is cross-tolerance
Tolerance to one drug builds tolerance for others as well
Is tolerance reversible (if so how)
Yes, when you stop taking the drug
What does tolerance depend on
As it develops at different rates it depends on the drug taken.
What is sensitization
The enhancement of drug effects following repeated use of the same drug
What summarizes tolerance and sensitization
They are reverse of each other, sensitization is the reverse of tolerance
What is sensitization dependent of
Agonist allow for ___________
Which of the following: full activation, less activation or no activation
Full activation
Antagonist allow for ___________
Which of the following: full activation, less activation or no activation
NO activation
What kind of drug (Antagonist or agonist) blocks the effect of a particular NT
What kind of drug (Antagonist or agonist) facilitates the effect of a particular NT
What is a direct agonist
Binds with and activates the receptor
What is a direct antagonist
Blocks NT from binding at the binding site
What is an indirect agonist
It facilitates the action of the receptor
What is an indirect antagonist
Interferes with the action
What is a competitive antagonist
It competes with agonist for the binding site
What is a non-competitive antagonist
Doesn’t compete for the same binding site but interferes with normal receptors.
What are the most popular techniques to study the human brain in vivo
1) Direct neuronal activity (EEG)
2) Tomographic methods (PET)
3) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
What are the advantages of EEG
Excellent temporal resolution
Measures neuronal responses very quickly
What are the disadvantages of EEG
Cannot differentiate signals from different brain regions well
Only detects signals from neurons at the surface
Outside of for research purposes what are EEG used for
Diagnosis of epilepsy
What is a meg
It measures the activity in the sulci
What does a PET scan detect
Gamma rays
What is needed for a PET scan
PET tracers
What are PET tracers
Radioactive tracers administered at very low concentration
Does PET tracers induce pharmacological responses
In a PET scan what shows us menopause
Estrogen receptor density changes
In a PET scan what can we see happening during depression
Hypermetabolism in the subgenual cingulate cortex
What imaging tehcniques ressemble the PET scan and gives insight on the metabolism
What is the most common cause of MRI injury
Metal objects being drawn into the magnet (on the machine) at high speeds
What is needed to build an MRI scanner
1) BIG magnet
2) Good radio transmitter/ receiver
3) Shielded room
4) Few fast computers
What is MRS
Magnetic Reasonance Spectroscopy
What is MRS used for
Study changes in brain tumours, strokes
What does MRS measure
GABA abd Glutamate
What is the most commonly used methods for functional MRI
BOLD signal
What do bold signals represents
Blood oxygen level dependent
What are the 3 different uses of BOLD signals
1) Identify localized brain functions
2) Understand Neurophysiology (association btwn blood flow response and neuronal electrical activity)
3) Identify and understand brain networks (what regions are active at rest)
For localized brain function with MRI we care more about the __________________ then the __________
Time series, details/clarity
What is ASL
Arterial Spin labeling
What are the advantages of ASL
Easily clinically applicable
Algorithms give quantitative results
What are the disadvantages of ASL
Low signal to noise ratio
Influenced by blood velocity
Hard to acquire
What are the advantages of BOLD signals
Easy to acquire
Analysis is easy
High signal to noise ratio
Images can be acquired really fast
What are the disadvantages of the BOLD signal
Influenced by vasculature
Cannot quantity the signals
What does both ASL and Bold signal give us insight on
Localized brain functions and regional differences un blood flow and neuronal metabolic demand
What is a limitation of both ASL and BOLD signal
Cannot see the effects with the naked human eye
Don’t understand why there is a large increase in blood flow during neuronal activation
In humans, what does neurostimulation require
Current, magnetic pulses and sound waves to stimulate the brain
What is transcranial direct current stimulation used to treat
Anxiety and depression
Drug abuse and rehabilitation after partial spinal cord injury
What does the site of drug action have an effect on
1) Production of NT
2) Storage/release of NT
3) Receptor itself
4) Reuptake and destruction of NT
What antagonist drug inhibits the release of NT
Botulinium toxin
What antagonist drug that prevents the storage of NT in the vesicles
What antagonist drug inhibits the synthesis of NT
What antagonist drug stimulates autoreceptors
What agonist drug stimulates the release of NT
Black widow spider
What agonist drug blocks autoreceptors
What agonist drug block reuptake
What agonist drug inactivate acetylcholinesterase
What are the 3 type of receptors
1) Extrasynaptic: outside the synapse
2) Postsynaptic: on dendrite
3) Presynaptic: axon terminal
What is a presynaptic receptor also known as
What is a metabotropic receptor
A very slow process.
What does a metabotropic receptor require
Proteins and a lot of energy
What are the steps of a metabotropic receptor
1) NT binds which signals a cascade of events
2) During those vents there is interactions between proteins and that will signal the ion channel to open
In metabotropic receptors, when does the ion channel open
ONLY once the cascade of events is completed
Which between metabotropic and ionotropic receptors have a fast effect
What is an ionotropic receptor
NT binds and allow the ion channels to open and let ions in right off
What are the 3 major classes of NTs
1) Peptides
2) Monoamines
3) Amino Acids
What are peptides
Help everywhere in the brain
2 or more amino acids
No reuptake