Psychopathology : Definitions Of Abnormality Flashcards
What is psychopathology?
Is the study of psychological disorders.
What are the four definitions for psychopathology?
- Deviation from social norms
- Failure to function adequately
- Statistical infrequency
- Deviation from ideal mental health
What is deviation from social norms?
Is a definition of abnormality where behaviour is seen as abnormal if it violates unwritten rules ( social norms ) about what is acceptable in a particular society
Advantages of deviation from social norms?
-gives a culturally specific definition of abnormal behaviour
- it takes into account the culture in which the behaviour occurs because what is considered normal in one culture might be considered abnormal in another
Limitations of Deviation from social norms?
-Does not help give a reliable definition of abnormal behaviour that can be used across cultures.
- social norms change over time which raises an issue known as hindsight bias. Meaning that historically you will be punished for being abnormal but today’s standards it is considered normal.
What are two types of norm?
- Politeness ( desirable ‘ norm ‘ )
- Aggressiveness ( undesirable ‘norm’ )
When is behaviour abnormal?
Behaviour is considered to be abnormal if society or the majority considers it unacceptable or undesirable
What does statistical infrequency mean?
Is a definition of abnormality. According to this definition of behaviour is seen as abnormal if it is statistically uncommon or not seen very often in society.
Advantages of Statistical infrequency?
- The statistical frequency definition provides a clear cut-off point for defining abnormality and there is no issue on subjectivity.
-behaviour is seen as abnormal on how uncommon it is and there are no personal judgements to interfere with the statistic.
Limitations of statistical infrequency?
- fails to seem behaviour that is rare but desirable such as having a high IQ.
- some disorders are not statistically rare
-Issue of who decides the cut of point
What is deviation from ideal mental health ?
Is a definition of abnormality which suggests that abnormal behaviour should be defined by the absence of particular ( ideal ) characteristics
What are the six principles of ideal mental health that Jahoda (1958) proposed ?
-having a positive view of yourself (high self-esteem )with a strong sense of identity
-being capable of personal growth and self actualisation
-being independent of others ( autonomous ) and self regulating
-having an accurate view of reality
- being able to integrate and resist stress
- being able to master your environment ( love, friendships, work, and leisure time)
What does the six principles by Jahoda mean?
- therefore if an individual does not demonstrate one of these criteria they would be classified as abnormal according to this definition
Advantages of Jahoda’s criteria ?
-it’s positive , Focuses on the desirable behaviour rather than concentrating on just negative behaviour and furthermore it considers the whole person taken it into account multitude of factors that can affect their health and well-being
- is holistic ( relatable )
Disadvantage of Jahoda’s criteria?
- The criteria are too demanding most people would be judged abnormal based on this definition
- if we fail to achieve one of these criteria we are demanded to be abnormal
- more focused on the individual rather than the cultures
What is failure to function adequately?
Is a definition of abnormality where a person is considered abnormal if they are unable to cope with the demands of everyday life and live independently in society.
Advantages of the failure to function adequately?
This can be measured by those closest to the person and also tested by self response to interview
Disadvantages of failure to function adequately?
- people suffering from a mental disorder often believe they are functioning adequately. Also adequately is subjective term without a reliable definition.