Approaches : Humanistic Psychology Flashcards
what is free will?
free will and have a choice in how they
behave. This means that everyone can consciously control and influence their own personal destiny, even
within the constraints that exist in life from outside forces. This idea makes the humanistic approach
radically different from the other approaches that suggest that human behaviour is, to some extent,
What is Marlow’s hierachy of needs?
is an enduring model of psychological
What is Self-Actualization?
Morality, creativity, spontaneity , problem-solving lack of prejudice , acceptance of facts.
What is Self-Esteem?
self-esteem , confidence , achievement , respect of others , respected by others
What is Love and Belonging
friendships , family , sexual intimacy, sense of connection
What is Safety and Security
Security of body , employment , Resources , morality , family , health , property.
What is physiological needs?
breathing , food , sex , sleep , homostasis , excretion
What is a conditions of worth?
When an individual is the recipient of unconditional positive regard, they develop conditions of worth as a
result. Parents are often the people who provide a child with unconditional positive regard during their
how do parents impose conditions of worth?
some parents impose conditions of worth on their children meaning that they must
behave in certain ways to receive this (now conditional) positive regard. Conditions of worth are a type of
expectation whereby an individual feels that their approval is dependent upon meeting them in order for
other people, such as parents, to see them favourably.
What is congruence?
when there is an agreement between an individual’s self-concept and their ideal self, they are said to be in a state of congruence. However, it is uncommon for a person to be congruent all of the time, so most individuals will have, or are experiencing, some degree of incongruence.
Evaluation of the humanistic approach?
- A strength of humanistic psychology is that it has had a major influence on psychological counselling.
Contemporary therapists use Rogers’ ideas of unconditional positive regard and help clients work
toward self-awareness. This means it is a useful theory with real-world applications - critics argue that the humanistic approach offers an unrealistic view of human nature. They point
to the more sinister aspects of human behaviour and argue that the humanistic approach focuses on
‘growth-orientated’ behaviour whilst ignoring an individual’s capacity for self-destruction.
Consequently, opponents of the approach argue that the focus on self-development overlooks possible
situational forces that may provide a more realistic explanation of everyday human behaviour
What is psychic determinism?
The psychodynamic approach claims that behaviour is determined by unconscious drives and
early childhood experiences, which is known as psychic determinism
What is soft determinism?
. SLT takes a softer view and claims
that while behaviour is influenced by environmental forces (e.g. vicarious reinforcement), humans have
personal responsibility and free choice, which is known as soft determinism.
What is nomothetic approach?
The cognitive approach takes a nomothetic
approach, generating theories (e.g. the multi-store model, the working memory model, etc.) to explain
human behaviour
What is idiographic methods?
the cognitive approach makes uses of idiographic methods (e.g. case studies of Patient HM, KF, etc.) to provide evidence to support or refute cognitive theories.
Likewise, the psychodynamic approach also takes a nomothetic approach, generating theories (e.g. psychosexual stages of development, theories of personality, etc.) to explain human behaviour, while also utilising idiographic methods (e.g. case studies of Little Hans, Rat Man, etc.) to provide evidence to support or refute
psychodynamic theories.
What is psychic determinism?
. The psychodynamic approach
claims that behaviour is determined by unconscious drives and early childhood experiences, which is
known as psychic determinism.
What is free will?
The humanistic approach claims that humans have control over their own environment and are capable of change. Incidentally, the humanistic approach is the only approach that advocates complete free will