Psychopathology: Behavioural Approach to explaining and treating phobias Flashcards
What are the key assumptions of this approach as an explanation for phobias?
-abnormal behaviour is learnt like any other behaviour
-the same laws apply to humans and animals
-behaviour is determined by the environment
Name the behavioural characteristics of phobias and what do they mean?
Panic-crying , screaming , freeze
Avoidance-effort is made to avoid coming into contact with the phobic stimulus
Name the emotional characteristic and explain what it means
How does it arise?
Is this response proportionate to the actual danger posed?
Anxiety-an unpleasant state of high arousal which prevents us from relaxing and experiencing pleasant emotions
from the presence of the phobic stimulus or anticipation of it
Name the cognitive characteristics and explain what they mean
Irrational beliefs-sufferer cant be persuaded by a rational argument that the fear is unfounded
Cognitive distortions-perception of the phobia may be distorted
Selective attention-cant move their attention from the phobic stimulus
Who devised the 2 process model as an explanation and when?
Mowrer in 1947
How does the 2 process model say phobias are acquired and maintained
they are acquired through classical conditioning and maintained through operant conditioning
Explain how a phobia is acquired through classical conditioning ?
-learning occurs through the pairing of a neutral stimulus and another stimulus that produces an automatic response until eventually the neutral stimulus can produce the automatic response
According to operant conditioning what is learning based on the principle of?
If a behaviour is reinforced is it less/more likely to be repeated?
consequences such as reinforcement
More likely
What does positive reinforcement mean?
What does negative reinforcement mean?
that a behaviour is more likely to be repeated if its given a reward
that a behaviour is more likely to be repeated if it means an unpleasant situation is avoided
How does operant conditioning apply to maintaining a phobia?
phobic responses are negatively reinforced as when the sufferer avoids the phobic stimulus their fear response is reduced
this reduction reinforces the avoidance behaviour which maintains the phobia
What is a strength of this approach as an explanation for phobias?
+its based within an established theory
this makes it a plausible explanation and it has led to the development of effective treatments such as systematic desensitisation
this shows its a useful way of understanding phobias
What are 2 weaknesses of the behavioural explanation as an explanation for phobias ?
-its incomplete
we can acquire phobias of things that have been a source of danger in our evolutionary past(snakes)
this means theres more to acquiring phobias than just conditioning
-not every sufferer can recall a traumatic event
there may be different processes involved (SLT etc)
means the 2 process model isnt complete
What is a further weakness of this approach as an explanation for phobias?
-it ignores the interaction between learning and genetics
we can inherit a genetic predisposition to developing mental disorders such as phobias , meaning only those with this inheritance will develop a phobia
-incomplete explanation for the causation of phobias
What are the 2 types of treatments for phobias?
flooding and systematic desensitisation
Describe the process of flooding ( 3 points)
-patients are given immediate exposure to a frightening situation
-flooding stops phobic responses very quickly
-without the option of avoidance behaviour , the patient quickly learns the stimulus is harmless