Psychopathology :) Flashcards
5 Eval points of Deviation from social norms
(+) easy to identify -e.g: stand out
(-)Social norms depend on context e.g: clothes
(-)S.N depend on historical context e.g: homosexuality
(-)S.N depend on subjectivity e.g opinion
(-)Cultural relativism
5 Eval points of Failure to Function Adequately
(+) measure objectively through questionnaire
(+)Acknowledges importance of patients’ experience
(+)P.A used for diagnosis in DSM
(-) depends on circumstance e.g bereavement , most normal not to function adequately
(-) Some can function while suffering
4 Eval points of Deviation from Ideal mental health
(+) Easy to identify beetween criteria and then work on with patients
(-) Cultural relitivsm- ionly meaningful in Western culture. e.g: Focus on the SELF
(-) demanding to meet all 6 criteria. Most people will fall short, so most people = abnormal?
(+) Focus on positives - mental HEALTH. Credible
3 Eval points of statistical infrequency
(+) Quantitative method. Objective analysis
(-) Cut off point for abnormality subjectively decided. (changes depending on trait)
(-) some infrequencies are desirable e.g: iQ
2 (+) of Cognitive expl to Depression
(+) R.s = Grazioli and Terry (2000)
(+)P.A = CBT change thought process and :. Behav.
Grazioli + Terry R.S cognitive expl of depression
assessed 65 pregnant women for cognitive vulnerability and depression before and after pregnancy. Found women judged to be high in cognitive vulnerability were more likely to suffer post-natal depression
3 (-) of Cognitive expl to Depression
(-) R.Refuting = seligman, teach dogs to passively accept electric shock. = Learn helplessness
(-) Cause and effect. “faulty thinking” may be a result of depression
(-) Alt. expl = diatheses stress. Better as it acknowleges Nature + Nurture
Cognitive treatments for depression 2 (+)
(+) R.S - March (2007) compared CBT with drugs. equal but better together
(+)Extremely practical.
quick, cheap, has positive outcomes. its economical and practical nature makes it the viable choice for many patients, mild to severe
March et al (2007) R.S into CBT
compared effects of CBT with antidepressants and combination with 327 adolescents w depression
After 36 weeks, 81 % of antidepressant and CBT and then 86% of combination significantly improved. No side effects
Cognitive treatments for depression 3 (-)
(-)Rosenwig, effectiveness mat be due to relationship between client and therapists, not the therapy. All psychotherapies are similar in this regard.
(-)REDUCTIONIST. Overemphasis on cognitions, fails to acknowledge situational factors. ((e.g: a patient living in poverty or suffering abuse needs to change their circumstances, any therapy emphasising cognition over circumstances can prevent this change. may demotivate people))
(-)may not work for extreme cases, requires MOTIVATION. Antidpressents can provide with motivation, so best used together
2 (+) Behaviourist Expl of phobias
(+) R.S= Watson + Rayner = case study - Little Albert. conditioned Albert to fear rat. suggests phobia is to be learned ,increasing validity
(+) P.A e.g: phobias are learned so can be unlearned. = systematic desensitisation or flooding
3 (-) of Behaviourist Expl of Phobioas
(-)Problem with R.s Little Albert case study
(-) Alternative explanations : evolutionary psychologists would say phobias are inherited -Adaptation to help us survive E.g: dark, questioning validity
(-)Menzie + Clarke - Only 2% of water phobias were result of direct conditioning
2(+) of Behaviourist treatment of phobia :
Systematic Desensitisation
(+)R.s for SD = Gilroy, spiders effective on specific phobia. found 42 p.p were more relaxed at 3 month and 33 months after therapy
(+)SD= more ethical
3 (-) of Behaviourist treatment of phobia:
Systematic Desensitisation
(-) Takes time, many sessions. Takes motivation. Not Appropriate
(-) Doesn’t work for everyone. people may not respond. Not effective for all
(-) Only works for some phobias e.g: one’s that are learnt. not appropriate
Evaluation of Flooding
(+) Quicker than S.D
(+) R.S: e.g: Ougrin. Compared flooding to cognitive therapies.-> works better than other treatments -> Effective
(-) Unethical e.g: trauma -> not appropriate
(-) Not effective for all phobias e.g: ones that aren’t learned -> social phobias , not appropriate
(-) Depends on individual - Disabled people
All A03 of Biological expl of OCD
(+)R.S= Nestadt - Twin studies. genetics 68%MZ, 31% DZ shared OCD
(-) Difficult to separate nature + nurture in twin studies
(+)R.S= Antidepressents increasing serotonin are effective in treating OCD :. serotonin has a role in OCD
(-)Cause + effect. OCD = low serotonin?
(+)P.A = Drugs
Extra. (-) Alt expl = Diathesis stress
3 (+) Biological treatments to OCD
(+)R.S- soomro =compared SSRIs to placebos
(+)cost effective compared to psychological treatment
(+)non disruptive. can take drugs alone, no therapy. No time off work
(+)R.s, soomro et al (2009).
compared SSRIs to placebos. all 17 studies showed significantly better results for SSRI. 70% of people bettered
Soomro SSRI Seventeen Studies Seventy%
3 (-) of Biological treatments to OCD
(-) Side effects = indigestion, weight gain, visual problems
(-)Research may be biased, carried out by drug companies
(-)Reductionist. Doesn’t tackle psychological causes for OCD