Issues and Debates Flashcards
A03 for Culture Bias
(-)focusing on cultural bias and arguing for cultural relativism can distract from the fact that not all concepts in psychology are culturally different
(+) highlighting cultural bias has led to more cross-cultural research challenges typical western ways of viewing world
(-) Issue with condicting same research in different cultures as Variables under review may not be same across all cultures- operationalised separately
(+)Culture bias no longer an issue as the distinction between collectivist and individualistic cultures no longer relevant
(-) Western participants more used to research process
(+) highlighting cultural bias has led to more cross-cultural research challenges typical western ways of viewing world
criticizm led to Van Ijzendoorn whcih led to understanding of different child rearing practices in countries such as Isreal
(-)focusing on cultural bias and arguing for cultural relativism can distract from the fact that not all concepts in psychology are culturally different
e.g: interactional synchrony between mother and child is innate and universal.
Furthermore, Elkman suggested basic facial features and emotions are universal.
Should study which behaviours are culturally relative AND which are universal
A03 for gender bias
(-) alpha bias in research - can reinforce gender stereotypes e.g: Bowlby
(-) There is often underlying sexism in research process.
(+) Acknowledging and highlighting gender bias leads to equality in the psychological research process - samples
(-)arguing for equality may draw attention away from specific needs of each gender. e.g: suicide rates
(+) Acknowledging gender bias has led to emergence of feminist psychology
(-) There is often underlying sexism in research process.
Rosenthal (1966) found that male experimenters were more pleasant, friendly and encouraging to female participants. This investigator effect may lead to invalid conclusions because females may act differently to males because of the experimental set up, rather than the change in IV. Ultimately, this means results from research lack internal validity.
(+) Feminist psychology
For example, Worrell (1992), a feminist psychologist, put forward a number of criteria that should be adhered to in order to avoid gender bias in psychological research and create more gender equality in research findings. Therefore, this has lead to important changes in how psychological research is conducted in order to provide more equity between the genders.
A03 for Determinism
(+)Led to development of treatments e.g: for OCD
(+)Isolates variables to make them easier to examine. Less Subjective
(-)Implies behaviour can be predicted. Not true
A03 for free will
(+) Fits in with societies view of individual responsibility
(+)Face validity- ‘common sense’ to suggest we have free will
(-)Culturally relative e.g: children, women
(-)Cannot be tested - situational
A03 Nurture Debate
(+)P.A - behaviour therapies
(+)R.S - impact of environment researched by many researchers e.g: Bandura
(-)Impossible to separate nature + nurture
A03 Nature
(+)R.S- genetic + neural expls. (OCD + abnormal levels of serotonin
(+)P.A - Drug therapies
A03 Socially sensitive research
evaluate whether it should be conducted or not
(-)Misinterpretations of findings can shape public policy 1920s
(+)Modern SSR is highly controlled E.g: ethical commitee. means justified
(-) Ethical committee assessments subject to subjectivity + effects can only be known when public
(+)P.A- unreliability of EWT
(-)Misinterpretations of findings can shape public policy
Socially sensitive research
evaluate whether it should be conducted or not
1920s-30s, large number of American states legalised the compulsory sterilisation of many citizens on the grounds of they were ‘feeble minded’ .
Supported by many psychologists at the time
A03 for Nomothetic 2(+)
(+)Scientific : precise measurement, prediction + control of behaviour, investigations of large groups, objective, controlled methods allowing for replication and generalisation
(+)Combines biological + social aspects
A03 for Nomothetic 2(-)
(-) Gives superficial understanding- people may act the same, but for different reasons
(-) Extensive use of controlled lab experiments creates lack of generalisation to every day life
Idiographic A03 2(+)
(+)Provides a more complete understanding of the indiv
(+)Evidence from single case study may challenge scientific findings/theory and form basis of new scientific study
Idiographic A03 2(-)
(-) difficult to generalise from detailed subjective knowledge on one person
(-)regarded as non-sceintific as subjective experience cannot be emprircally tested and lacks relaibility (repeats)
A03 for Holism 2(+)
(+)provides more complete picture of human behaviour
(+)Considers individual differences
A03 Holism 2(-)
(-) difficult to investigate many differing types and levels of explanation
(-) Lacks predictive power of more scientific expl
Reductionism A03 2 (+)
(+) High level of predictive power
(+)Study more objective and scientifically acceptable because other variable isolated
Reductionism A03 2 (-)
(-)Difficult to isolate components due to extraneous variables
(-)Context is important in understanding meaning of behaviour