psychology of physical activity Flashcards
2015- national institute for health and careexcellence
-34% men and 42% women reported not meeting guidelines on physical acitivuty
number of people meeting guidenlines decreases with age
reasons people chose not to exercise -Tobi et al 2012
- perceived lack of time
- lack of energy
- lack of motivation
these are all factors people can control , as opposed to environmental factors
consistent with research by Kelley and Kelley 2012- showing major reasons for attrition in exercise were internal and personally controllable causes which are amenable to change.
Netz et al 2008- population study
2200 individuals aged 18-76 people- why do people not take part in exercise
older adults 60-78= more health related reasons e.g. bad health, injury, disability, thinking exercise will damage health. As well as internal barriers such as not being a sporty type of person.
Adolescents and college students= major barrier similar to adults such as lack of time. Other factors included parents being more interested in academic success, or parents having previous physical inactivity.
effect of sedentary behaviour
more recently when studying exercise sedentary behaviour has been found to be high.
- we are starting to look at the classification of sedentary behaviour, as one individual who completes lots of activity can also have high sedentary behaviour
- or someone who doesn’t meet minimal levels of exercise but little sedentary behaviour due to their daily tasks.
Tremblay et al 2011- systematic review of young people 5-17 years- found decreased fitness, lower self esteem, decreased academic achievement, higher body composition, lower prosocial behaviour
Edwardson et al 2012- Adults= highest sedentary group =73% increased risk of metabolic syndrome compared to those in lowest sedentary group
Problems of adherence
adherence- attached to or ‘sticking with’ something
- lots of people drop out of exercise within the first 6 months
- people mainly look at fitness data ignoring psychological aspects to exercise.
- most fitness plans don’t look at motivation or adherence
- lots of fitness plans are too challenging which can be demotivating.
- no promotion is self responsibility in exercise
solution to adherence
set several smaller goals to build towards a main goal? however, changing behaviour is very complex- breaking a habit is very challenging.
theories/models- health belief model
- attempts to explain and predict health behaviours
- focus on attitudes and beliefs of individuals
base on (exercise depends on)
- individual desire to avoid illness or get well in case of current illness
- individuals believes that an exact health act may actually avoid or treat illness
individuals perception as well as modifying factors such as age, ethnicity, perceived threat of disease, education, symptoms, media info will affect the likelihood of ACTION-
the perceived susceptibility of seriousness of disease will effect the perceived threat of disease which will affect the likelihood of behavioural change (action)
Berger et al 2015- some success in using health belief model to predict exercise but its inconsistent as it was developed to focus on disease, not exercise
Theory of planned behaviour
Ajzen and Madden 1986
extension of theory of reasoned action (Ajzen and Fishbein 1980)- the extension is the addition of percieved behaviour control
- individual performance of a given behaviour is primarily determined by a persons intention to perform that behaviour.
- human behaviour under the voluntary control of the individual
- people think about the consequences and implications of their actions behaviour then decide whether or not to do something
- therefore intention is correlated highly with behaviour
theory of reasoned action= attitude towards behaviour and subjective norms (social pressures) predicts behavioural intention leading to behaviour itself.
theory of planned behaviour - we cant rely solely on intentions to predict behaviour. This is due to their being situations where people lack control over. Attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control (e.g. self efficacy) predicts intention which predicts behaviour
Theory of planned behaviour- 1997 meta analysis Hausenblas, Carron, Mark
Attitudes= large effect size of 1.22
perceived behavioural control= large effect size of 0.97
subjective norm = medium effect size of 0.56
Transtheoretical model- Prochaska et al 1992
- argues indivudals progress thru stages of change and that movement across the stages in cyclic rather than linear because many people do not succeed in their efforts to establish or maintain lifestyle changes
- we move thru precontemplation (no intention of changing behaviour/ uninformed)- contemplation (intention is there, though this is not action)-determination/ preparation( exercising somewhat- not regular, there is some plan of action) -action(regularly exercising)-relapse (boredom issues)-maintenance (regularly more than 6 months)
termination stage- induvial has managed to stay in PE for 5 years they have been considered to exit the cycle-( Cardinal 1997- 16% in termination stage- 100% SE to remain physically active in life )- those in this stage are resistant to relapse
(this is like a circle meaning we can come in and out of this circle at any stage and can go forwards as well as backwards)
Fallon et al 2005- found an increase SE to overcome barriers when exercise is maintained
Meta analysis on transtheoretical theory Marshall and Biddle 2001
pros increase for every forward stage and the largest change occurs between the precontemplative and complentative stages.
Cons decreased for every forward stage
motivates for exercise became more internal as ppts progressed through the stages
Theory of reasoned action
The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) suggests that a person’s behavior is determined by their intention to perform the behavior and that this intention is, in turn, a function of their attitude toward the behavior and subjective norms
what is percieved behavioural control
what is attitude
the belief an individual has determining how hard/easy it is to perform a certain behaviour
the belief about the action itself- is it positive or negatuve?