Psychological responses to injury Flashcards
What are the three common types of psychological responses to injury?
Cognitive, emotional, behavioral.
What are examples of cognitive responses to injury?
“Will I ever make it back onto the field?”, “Are my playing days over?”, “How will I continue without my income?”
What are the three phases of cognitive responses to injury?
Phase 1: Reaction to injury, Phase 2: Reaction to rehab, Phase 3: Reaction to RTP (Return to Play).
What are the main factors that influence cognitive appraisal of injuries?
Goals, identity, self-efficacy, coping skills, social support.
How does self-efficacy affect cognitive appraisals of injuries?
High self-efficacy leads to positive appraisals, increased confidence, and less distress. Low self-efficacy leads to negative appraisals, decreased coping ability, and heightened distress.
What are problem-focused coping skills?
Cognitive and behavioral attempts to manage or change the problem causing stress.
What are emotion-focused coping skills?
Attempts to regulate the emotional response to a problem, often ignoring the root cause.
What are the three types of social support for injured athletes?
Informational support, reactive support, emotional support.
How does social isolation affect injured athletes?
Loss of support from usual exercise partners can lead to social isolation.
What are the emotional responses during Phase 1 (reaction to injury)?
Shock, depression, anger, fear, frustration.
What emotional responses are common during Phase 2 (reaction to rehab)?
Apathy and poor adherence.
What emotional responses are common during Phase 3 (reaction to RTP)?
Decreased negative emotions, increased positive emotions, fear of re-injury, excitement.
What are examples of healthy coping mechanisms in Phase 1?
Seeking social support, pursuing rehab, using psychological intervention.
What are examples of unhealthy coping mechanisms in Phase 1?
Overtraining, isolation from social networks, consuming banned substances.
What behavioral risks are common in Phase 2 and 3?
RTP too quickly, ignoring medical advice, pushing through pain, risky training practices, neglecting warm-up.
What is malingering in the context of injury?
Deliberate exaggeration of injury symptoms to prolong RTP.
What is the grief response model in psychological responses to injury?
Suggests that athletes respond to injury similarly to how individuals respond to significant losses, progressing through sequential stages.
What is a limitation of the grief response model?
It ignores individual differences.
What does the cognitive appraisal model explain?
Why two athletes may respond differently to the same injury, based on personal and situational factors.
What does the biopsychosocial model suggest about health and injury?
Health, illness, and injury are best understood as an interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors.