Psychological Disorders Flashcards
- physical or mental features regarding condition or physiological disorder
E.g mind wandering during class, but grades are still high
- studies hard, attends classes
- temporary feelings of anxiety
- slight doubt in themselves
- longer-lasting periods of anxiety (interfere with academics)
- drifting off, video games, texting
- I’m a failure
- long-lasting periods impacting academic and social functioning
-skips, avoids others
Point Prevelance
- the percentage of people given a psychological disorder at a particular point in time
Lifetime prevelance
- percentage of people in a certain population who will be given psychological disorder at any point in their lives
- anxiety related disorder 29%
Clinical Assessment
Procedure to gather information needed to perform a diagnosis
- begin with a clinical interview (describe problems, and concerns)
- self-report methods
- projective tests
- respond to pictures
DSM- 5
- classification scheme for psychological disorders
-contains appendix of culture-specific disorders
Benefit of Diagnostic Labels
- improved treatment (therapy, medication, or both)
- specific labels for different disorders ensure proper treatment
The Diathesis-Stress Model of Psychological Disorders
- identifies one set of factors that influence the disorder
- also identifies other stressors that trigger
E.g one experiences a disorder because they have diathesis (mental illness) and stressor (hurricane)
Anxiety Related Disorders
- feeling of intense worry, nervousness, or unease
-most common in women
- A Specific Phobia
- fear of particular objects, situations
E.g snakes, heights, dentists, blood - Social- Anxiety
- afraid of being watched, evaluated, judged by others
-fear of negative evaluation
-emerges in childhood
Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia
- occurrence of panic attacks
Agoraphobia - fear of being in situations one can’t escape
The Diathesis-Stress Model of Psychological Disorders
- excessive anxiety
- a constant state of worrying regarding multiple factors
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- obsession (disturbing unwanted thoughts) and compulsions (actions)
-affects 2% of the US population at some point in their lives
Trauma and Stressor related Disorders
-triggered by events that involve death, injury, violation
Acute stress disorder
- less than a month
- enduring, more than a month
E.g lifetime prevalence of PTSD in the US is 7 %