Psychological Disorders Flashcards
____________________ is the study of abnormal behaviour and psychological dysfunction, it involves characterising symptoms, understanding etiology (causes) and developing effective treatments.
What are the 3 main elements of defining abnormality?
Statistical Definition or Social Norm Deviance
Subjective Discomfort
Inability to Function Normally or Maladaptive Thinking & Behaviour
A ________________ _________________ is defined as any pattern of behaviour or psychological functioning that causes people significant distress, causes them to harm themselves or others, or harms their ability to function in daily life.
psychological disorder
Can variation in human behaviour be considered a psychological disorder?
Only if the variation is taken to an extreme, behaviours and thoughts can be seen on a continuum, ranging from absence to extreme or severe expression across various indicators (intensity, frequency).
The _____________ model of abnormality proposes that psychological disorders have a ______________ or medical cause, changing behaviour is caused by changes in the chemical, structural, or genetic systems of the body.
In the biological model of abnormality, how are disorders diagnosed?
By symptoms, etiology, course and prognosis.
If a psychologist describes psychological disorders based on factors such as: faulty neurotransmitter systems, genetic problems, brain damage and dysfunction. They are describing abnormal behaviour in terms of the ______________ model of abnormality.
What are the 3 main PSYCHOLOGICAL models of abnormality?
Psychodynamic, Behavioral and Cognitive
The ______________________ view of abnormality assumes that disordered thinking and behaviour are the result of repressing one’s threatening thoughts, memories and concerns in the unconscious mind.
When a woman has thoughts of sleeping with her brother and she feels “dirty” she may feel compelled to wash her hands to symbolically rid herself of the “dirty” thoughts. Which model of abnormality is the previous sentence based on?
In the _______________ model of abnormality, psychological disorders are defined as disordered ______________ that is being learnt, either through conditioning or reinforcement.
behavioural, behaviour
A spider dropped onto a girl’s leg, causing her to scream and react with fear. Her mother then gave her a lot of attention. The next time she saw a spider, she screamed again to draw attention to herself. Which model of abnormality is this an example of?
The ______________ model of abnormality sees maladaptive functioning as a result from illogical thinking patterns. It also classifies abnormal thinking and behaviour to stem from irrational beliefs and illogical patterns of thought.
A girl has the distorted thinking that all insects, even ants, are venomous and that she would die after being bit by one. Some will say that such illogical thinking patterns put her at higher risk of depression and anxiety. Which model of abnormality is this thinking from?
The ________________ perspective of abnormality focuses on the relationship between social behaviour and culture.
In psychopathology, it is the perspective in which abnormal thinking and behaviour (as well as normal) is seen as the product of learning and shaping within the context of the family, the social group to which one belongs, and the culture within which the family and social group exist.
The need to consider the unique characteristics of the culture in which behaviour takes place to be able to correctly diagnose and treat the disorder is called __________ __________.
cultural relativity
_______________ __________________ are sets of particular symptoms of distress found in particular cultures, which may or may not be recognised as an illness within the culture.
Cultural syndromes
The __________________ perspective of abnormality is the perspective in which abnormal behaviour is seen as the result of the combined and interacting forces of biological, psychological, social, and cultural influences.
A person may have a genetically inherited tendency for a type of disorder, such as anxiety, but may not develop a full-blown disorder unless the family and social environments produce the right stressors at the right time in development. Which perspective of abnormality is the statement based on?
A study on depression reported that Chinese & Japanese American individuals frequently reported having a poor appetite whereas European American individuals reported having the urge to eat more frequently. This is linked to the ________________ perspective of abnormality on how different background or external factors such as family or upbringing can affect behaviour and thinking.
Diagnosing psychological disorders is a challenge as there are no specific ____________ to determine whether a certain psychological disorder is present in an individual.
Why is it important to have a standardised method of describing psychological and behavioural symptoms?
To correctly identify and diagnose the disorder and to facilitate communication among and between psychological professionals and other healthcare providers.
What is the DSM-5 and what is depicted inside?
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.
It describes about 250 different psychological disorders in terms of symptoms, the typical path of the disorders takes as it progresses (course), and a checklist of specific criteria that must be met in order for the diagnosis of that disorder to be made.
What are the benefits of the DSM-5?
It provides practitioners with a common language and standardisation of symptoms and criteria for diagnosis (labels).