is there a link between psychosocial distress and CVD?
yes - stress/emotional factors is a risk factor and has been proven to be comparable to conventional risk factors like hypertension and obesity
what is an impairment?
loss or abnormality of psychological, psyiological or anatomical structure or function (functional loss)
what is a disability?
a restriction or lack of abiliy to perform an activity in the manner considered normal for a human being (activity limitations)
what is handicap?
a disadvantage for a given individual resulting from an impairment or disability that limits/prevents the fulfillment of a role that is normal (a societal disadvantage)
what determines whether a stress response is elicited?
if the individual appraises the event as stressful and secondary appraisal (do you have the resources to cope)
what are Bowlbys stages of grief?
what are the Kuber-Ross stages of grief?
denial anger bargaining depression acceptance
what is loss-orientated grief?
focuses on coping with bereavement, the loss itself, recognizing it and accepting it
what is restoration orientated grief?
Restoration-oriented stressors are things that let you get on with daily life and distract you from your grief for a while e.g. really focussing on school work
what is cardiac neurosis?
A psychiatric disorder in which the patient experiences chest pain, breathlessness, rapid pulse, fatigue and palpitations but with no underlying cardiac pathology. It is considered a form of anxiety disorder.
in what 2 situations does cardiac neurosis typically develop?
- in someone who knows someone who has been recently diagnosed as suffering from a cardiac condition
- in someone in the period following an MI
what is the health belief model?
a theoretical model that is used to explain and predict individual changes in health behaviours.
what does the health belief model do?
It defines the key factors that influence health behaviours…
- percieved seriousness
- percieved susceptibility
- perceieved benefits and barriers
- self efficacy
- cues to action
outline the stages of change model?
pre contempation contemplating determination action relapse maintenance
what is the theory of planned behaviour?
A theory that can predict an individual’s intention to engage in a behavior at a specific time and place
what are the 6 constructs of the theory of planned behaviour?
- attitudes
- behavioural intention
- subjective norms - do most people approve or disapprove of this behaviour
- social norms
- perceived power - the factor perceived to facilitate or impede the performance of behaviour
- perceived behavioural control
what are the limitations of the theory of planned behaviour?
it assumes the person has the opportunities and resources to be successful in performing the desrired behaviour
it does not account for other variables that factor into behaviour intention e.g. fear, threatm mood, previosu experience
it assumes behaviour is a result of linear decision making