Psychological Assessment Flashcards
What is reliability?
Consistency, reproducibility of an observation (lack of measurement error)
What does the Classical Test Theory say?
True Score= Observed Score + Error
What are the methods to measure reliability?
Test-retest and equivalent forms
What are the methods to estimate reliability?
Split-half, Cronbach’s alpha, Guttman’s lambda, Kuder-Richardson’s KR-20 7 KR-21
What form of reliability is computed for qualitative methods such as observations or interviews?
Inter-rater agreement (.005-.25 for observations, .05-0.5 for interviews)
What is Spearman-Brown’s Propechy?
True variance increases more rapidly than error variance (reliability usually increases with the number of items)
What is the Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) used for?
It is used for estimation of measurement error and for comparison issues.
What is the formula for SEM?
SEM= S sqrt(1- alpha)
s= standard deviation
The formula for the standard error of prediction is computed the same as for the standard error of measurement, except the alpha is the test-retest correlation. True or false?
Reliability is a condition for validity. True or false?
What is validity?
A complex and integrated corpus of demonstrations/scientific knowledge that examines the psychological variables measured by a test.
What are the sources of validity?
Content validity (construct, face, translation validity) and criterion-related validity (predictive, concurrent, convergent, divergent/discriminat)
What is construct validity?
The extent to which measured dimension are truly relevant to the intended concept => concept underrepresentation or irrelevance? + do the dimension aggregate the way the theory prescribes? (exploratory/confirmatory factor analysis)
What is criterion validity?
Indicator that test can be used as a predictor for a certain behavior (criterion).
How is concurrent validity measured?
T-tests or cluster analysis, G-type factor analysis: contrasting/distinguishing between groups
What is the most prevalent case in which divergent validity is needed?
The case of comorbidity
Is face validity a good method to infer criterion-related validity (based on items or the nature of the problem)?
Number of items determines validity if they are well-constructed. True or false?
True (longer tests are more valid)
What are the most valid methods?
Assessment center (multiple measures; .65), behavioral interview (.40-.60), work sample (.54), ability test (.53), integrity tests (.51), personality questionnaires (.39), biodata (.38), references (.23), traditional interviews (unstructured/structures; .05-.19)
Incremental validity is computed with stepwise hierarchical treatment. True or false?
Differential validity is also called:
Adverse impact or test bias
There is always a trade-off between internal (stastical conclusion validity) and external validity (population or ecological validity). True or false?
What is the difference between efficacy and effectiveness?
Effectiveness=effect under real world setting
Efficacy=effect under ideal setting