Psychodynamic - Defenses Flashcards
Compartmentalizing experiences of self and other such that integration is not possible. When the individual is confronted with the contradictions in behavior, thought, or affect, he/she regards the differences with bland denial or indifference. This defense presents conflict stemming from the incompatibility of the two polarized aspects of self or other. (Ex.; cannot integrate the postive and negative aspects of others- can only see them as all good or all bad).
Splitting (Primitive)
Both an instrpsychic defense mechanism and an interpersonal communication, this phenomenon involes behaving in such a way that subtle interpersonal pressure is placed on another person to take on characteristics of an aspect of the self or an internal object that is projected into that person. The peron who is the target of the projection then begins to behave, think, and feel in keeping with what has been projected.
Projective Identification (Primitive)
Perceiving and reacting to unacceptable inner impulses and their derivative as though they were outside the self. Differs from projective identification in that the target of the projection is not changed.
Projection (Primitive)
Avoiding awareness of aspects of external reality that are difficult to face by disregarding the sensory data.
Denial (Primitive)
Disrupting one’s sense of continuity in the areas of identity, memory, consciousness, or perception as a way of retaining an illusion of psychological control in the face of helplessness and loss of control. Although similar to splitting, ____________ may in extreme cases involve alteration of memory of events because of the disconnection of the self from the event.
Dissociation (Primitive)
Attributing perfect or near perfect qualities to others as a way of avoiding anxiety or negative feelings such as contempt, envy, or anger.
Idealization (Primitive)
Converting emotional pain or other affect states into physical symptoms and focusing one’s attention on somatic (rather than intrapsychic) concerns.
Somatization (Primitive)
Returning to an ealier phase of development or functioning to avoid the conflicts and tensions associated with one’s present level of development.
Regression (Primitive)
Retreating into one’s own private internal world to avoid anxiety about interpersonal situations.
Schizoid Fantasy (Primitive)
Internalizing aspects of a significant eprson as a way of dealing with the loss of that person. One may also ____ a hostile or bad object as a way of giving one an illusion of contorl over the object. _____ occurs in non-defensive forms as a normal part of development
Introjection (Higher Level)
Internalizing qualities of another person by becoming like the person. Whereas introjection leads to an internalized representation experienced as an “other,” identification is experienced as part of the “self.” This too, can serve non defensive functions in normal development.
Identification (Higher Level)
Shift feelings associated with one idea or object to another that resembles the original in some way.
Displacement (Higher Level)
Using excessive and abstract ideation to acoid difficult feelings.
Intellectualization (Higher Level)
Separation an idea from its associated affect state to acoid emotional turmoil.
Isolation of Affect (Higher Level)
Justification of unacceptable attitufes, beliefs, or behvaiors to make them tolderbale to oneself.
Rationalization (Higher Level)