psychodynamic approach Flashcards
unconscious forces in our mind determine thoughts/feelings/processes
behaviour as adults is from childhood experiences.
abnormal behaviour is = mental conflict
part of mind that has thoughts/ memories but we arent consciously aware of them, can access if desired.
structure of personality
Id - instincts
ego - reality
superego - morality
each part needs gratification but they are in conflict
childhood experience shape three parts
what is id
ID: primitive part (instincts)
operates on the pleasure principle, id gets what it wants.
Drives and instincts
Selfish and demands instant gratification
what is ego
- Ego: reality principle(reality)
role is a mediator between other two parts
Ego develops at 2yo and is to reduce conflict between demands of id and superego.
Does this through defence mechanisms
what is the super ego
- Ego: reality principle(reality)
role is a mediator between other two parts
Ego develops at 2yo and is to reduce conflict between demands of id and superego.
Does this through defence mechanisms
defence mechanisms
What are they?
Give three examples
= result of disagreements between three parts of personality (id, ego and superego)
Repression: forcing distressing memory out the concious mind
Denial: refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality
Displacement: transferring feelings from true source of distressing emotion onto a target
psychosexual stages
- oral
2.anal - phallic
4.latent - genital
oral stage
focus is on the mouth
child is being breast fed and mothers breast is object of easier
focus is on the mouth
pleasure from biting /sucking things
consequence = smokin
consequence of oral stage
biting nails
anal stage
pleasure from withholding faeces
anal retention/ expulsion
when potty training starts
c of anal stage
anal retentive - perfectionist/obsessive
expulsive - thoughtless and messy
phallic stage
3-6 yrs
genital focus as one becomes aware of gender diff
superego develops through resolution of oedipus/electra complex
phallic consequence
narcissistic and reckless or homosexuality
latent stage
sexual desires are dormant earlier conflicts are repressed
want nothing to do with opposite sex
latent consequence
genital stage
pubert onwards 12/13+
mature adult sexuality
sexual desires are conscious thoughts
the id is very demanding
genital consequence
difficulty forming heterosexual relationships
pros of psychodynamic
-influential; used in the first half of 20th century and is used to explain a wide range if phenomena such as gender/personality
-Practical application; range if techniques that can be used in therapy to access the subconscious
-Supported by case studies; little hans
considers an interaction ist approach both nature/nurtue . product of innate desires plus childhood experiences
Cons of the psychodynamic approach
-Deterministic; we have no free will
- case study evidence : based on individual studies for eg Little Hans, cannot make generalised claims to rest of population
- no empirical testing therefore unscientific , the theories are difficult to test
reductionist - reduces behaviour down to innate drives
psychic determinism - behaviour is unconscious drives and childhood
little hans method study
longitudinal case study of han’s fears from 3-5
qualitative info from his father
began masturbating before 3y/o, mother threatened to cut it off.
his sister was born and he hated her and wished she would drown in bath.
- fear of white horses and being bitten by them
- anxious mother would leave him
- fantasies about a giraffe, two plumber ones and one parenting one
results of little hans case study
he was experiencing oedipus complex
- unconscious fear of father manifested through fear of horses, especially with dark around mouth (fathers beard representation ) and blinkers ( representative of glasses)
-masturbation was sign of being in phallic stage
- giraffe fantasy was about desire to take mother away
- two plumbers was identification with his father
-family fantasy was resolution of the complex
conclusions taken from little hans case
phobiasa are caused by unconscious anxiety displaced onto harmless external objects
hes an example of unconscious determinism - suggests people aren’t consciously aware of casue of their behaviour
whats the oedipus/ electra complex
unconscious sexual desire for parent of opposite sex , scared the father is a threat and wants to castrate him so he gains a muderous hatred for the father until u associate yourself with him and grow out of the phallic stage.
for girls in the electra complex they have penis envy and hatred for their mothers until they gain a want to be mothers themselves