Psychodynamic and Humanistic Therapies Flashcards
What are the causes of psychological problems according to Freudian Psychoanalysis?
Unconscious unresolved conflicts that arose during childhood that cause anxiety because the three aspects of the personality (id, ego, superego) want different things.
What is the id?
- present at birth
- its life (sexual) and death (aggression) instincts are the primary source of psychic energy
- operates according to the pleasure principle and seeks immediate gratification of its instinctual needs using unconscious irrational means
- develops at about six months of age
- operates according to the reality principle
- it seeks to at least partially gratify the id’s instincts in realistic and rational ways
- the last aspect of personality to develop
- represents the internalization of society’s values and standards and acts as the conscience
- attempts to permanently block (rather than gratify) the id’s instincts
According to Freudian Psychoanalysis, what are defense mechanisms?
- happen when the ego is unable to resolve a conflict between the id and superego
- they operate on an unconscious level to deny or distort reality
- they include Repression, Denial, Reaction Formation, Projection and Sublimination
Racing Dogs Run Fast, Play, and Snuggle.
What is repression?
- the basis of all other defense mechanisms
- involuntary
- keeping undesirable thoughts and urges out of conscious awareness
What is denial?
- immature defense mechanism
- refusing to acknowledge distressing aspects of reality
- methods include ignoring, distorting, and rejecting reality
What is reaction formation?
defending against an unacceptable impulse by expressing its opposite
What is projection?
attributing an unacceptable impulse to another person
What is sublimation?
channeling an unacceptable impulse into a socially desirable (and often admirable) endeavor
What are the main goals of Freudian Psychoanalysis?
- To make the unconscious conscious
2. To strengthen the ego so that behavior is based more on reality and less on instinctual cravings and irrational guilt
What are the techniques in Freudian Psychoanalysis?
analysis of the client’s free associations, dreams, resistance, and transference
What order do the steps of Freudian Psychoanalysis go in?
a) Interpretation
b) clarification
c) confrontation
d) Working through
- Confrontation
- Clarification
- Interpretation
- Working through
What does Jung’s Analytical Psychology believe about behaviour?
- driven by both positive and negative forces
- affected by the past and the future
- personality develops throughout the lifespan
According to Jung’s Analytical Psychology, what are the parts of the psyche?
- personal unconscious
2. collective unconscious