Psychoanalytical Perspectives Flashcards
Freud’s 3 parts of the psyche=
The id=
Tells us to pleasure
We are born with this drive
Struggles to be controlled by ego
The Ego
Develops after the id
Keeps id under control (struggles!)
Needed to have strong, successful social relationships
The Superego
Values that we have
Challenges ego to observe moral values
3 compromises when unconscious leaks through:
Neurotic symptoms
Defence mechanisms
Example of Neurotic symptom:
- this is when the ego spills out
What led to Little Hans having severe fear of horses?
He had a cart accident when he was younger, which led to his refusal of leaving the house in fear he would come across a horse
What does Freud claim Little Hans was actually afraid of?
= Castration fear-oedipus complex
Freud’s explanation for Little Hans=
Claims Hans displaced his anger towards his father, he projected onto horses as they were a ‘safe target’
What is the oedipus complex=
Castration fear
Idea that little boys (age 4/5) fall in love with mothers
His father then becomes his rival
Then becomes fearful of retaliation from his father, due to the love
& worries his father will find a way to rule him out of the rivalry
So…. therefore believes his father will castrate him.
What defence mechanism does Freud himself identify?
What is repression?
Comes out in dreams
= Find ways of not thinking about a subject
What are the remaining Defence Mechanisms identified by Anna Freud?
Reaction formation
Identification with aggression
What is sublimation?
Threats the ego
- can be positive
- e.g. artists pour anguish into their work
What is projection?
= You believe everyone around you is angry, because you yourself are an angry person
- if you lie a lot, you then are suspicious of everyone else around you lying also
What is reaction formation?
= You protect yourself by acting the opposite way
- e.g. how people become bullies
What is regression?
= Way of coping, back to when you had capability to cope
Another famous case study of Freud, who goes by ‘Dora’ is??
Ida Bauer
18 year old girl
Case study of ’Dora’
= Freud described her symptoms as hysteria
Freud explained this was due to her complex family issues, including her being sexually abused
Freud believed that Dora was in love with her abuser, and this was the reason for her hysteria
What was the result of Dora’s case study?
She abandoned her analysis with Freud after 11 weeks
- Freud believed he was a failure
What is psychoanalysis?
= Identifies latent content that is represented by the manifest content (dreams)
Aims of psychoanalysis=
1. make unconscious, conscious
2. under unsatisfactory defences
3. re-experience repressed feelings
4. explore solutions
Types of psychoanalysis =
Brief focal therapy
Lacanian psychoanalysis
Interpersonal psychodynamic therapy