Psycho Expl For Sz FAMILY DYSFUNCTION Flashcards
Family dysfunction AO1
-is the way they communicate with each other have high level tension nd arguments
-this results in creating risk factors for development nd relapse of sz symptoms
(E) sz caused by pt early experience of sz mum
-sz mum is cold,controlling,rejecting, emotionally unresponsive
-builds a fam climate characterised by tension nd secrecy
(F) leads to distrust
(S) later develops into PARANOID DELUSIONS in sz
Father is passive
(E) Bateson et al =argue sz due to faulty communication pattern exists within families
-due to double bind communication
-occurs when parent communicates a verbal message NOT matched with non verbal message so child receives mixed messages
E.g= father maybe be verbally loving but emotionally rejecting, becoming rigid when child show effection
(F) confusing, conflicting form of communication cause sz
-cannot do right thing
-increasingly anxious
-leading withdrawing nd avoiding social contract
(S) sign of AVOLITION neg symptoms nd mixed message results in disorganised thinking nd paranoid delusions
(E) high level of expressed emotions such as
-verbal criticism nd occasional violence towards pt
-hostility towards pt, anger nd rejection
-emotional over involvement in life
(F) development of sz= cause stress in pt nd constant harassment from fam trigger onset sz
- maintenance of sz= caused is primary expl for relapse in pt with sz
(S) there is resurgence of positive nd negative symp
AO3 strength
P- practical application
E-principle of expl sz caused by faulty fam communication, led to development of fam therapy. Therapist works with pt nd fam to alter rele nd communication patterns
E-approach reduce stress level nd expressed emo within fam help prevent relapse of sz, by improving fam dynamic, therapy offer a tangible solution to managing the disorder
L-impo part of applied psych inc credibility of fam dysfunction expl of sz
AO3 limitation
P- alternative expl for sz is biological expl
E-sz due to hyperdominergia or high level dopamine in central area of brain which associated with sz. Auditory hallucinations have been linked to high level dopamine around Broca’s area.
E-sugg cause of sz could be related to brain chemistry rather than dysfunctional family e.g sz mum. Bio perspective highlights diff underlying mechanism for symp
L-weakens fam dysfunction not a sole explanation thay should be considered