Psych Treatment For Sz FAMILY THERAPY Flashcards
-as fam dysfunction can play a role in development of sz altering rele nd communication patterns within dysfunctional fam should help sz to recover
- works by reducing expressed emotion nd stress levels within fam which may contribute to pt risk of relapse
- to reduce levels of expressed emotions/stress
•improve family beliefs bout nd behaviour towards sz
•reducing stress of caring for a relative with sz
•decreasing feelings of guilt nd anger in fam members
•help fam members achieve a balance between caring for individual with sz nd maintaining own lives
P-leff et al
E-compared fam therapy with routine outpatient care for szc nd found first 9m of treatment 50% of those receiving routine care relapsed, compared with 8% those receiving fam therapy.
E- sugg fam therapy is effective for preventing relapse of sz symptoms trough improving communication within fam nd reducing levels of expressed emotions
L- therefore inc validity
AO3 limitation
P-does not get to the root cause (aetiology) of sz
E- works by helping to reduce stress of living with sz in fam for both pt nd fam members, does not eliminate the symptoms completely
E- questions the appropriateness nd effectiveness of therapy as when therapy stops pt could relapse which is what HOGARTY et al found in a follow up study of pt who has received fam therapy