Cognitive expl
tought processing
-focus on internal mental process
-sz is characterised by disruption to normal tought processing
-Frith et al= identified 2. Kind of dysfunctional thought processing thay could trigger symptoms
-individual with sz have dysfunction in mr= lack ability to recognise what are their own actions/thoughts nd what are due to external factors
-explain the symptom of auditory hallucinations (positive symptoms) individual not understand that voice in head is own voice nd not someone else. Causing distress in individual
- e.g believe that voice is telling u, your friends hate u is a diff person rather than urself
-individua with sz lack ability to suppress their own automatic thoughts nd speech.
-thoughts nd speech triggered by other thoughts which can lead to disordered thinking nd disorganised speech
- therefore sufferers with sz experience disrupted spoken sentences known as derailment
-words trigger other associations nd person cannot suppress their automatic responses to these
strength AO3
P-cogn expl of sz praised for SOFT DETERMINISM
E-sz b caused by internal mental process e.g dysfunction in meta representation causing auditory hallucinations
E-however individuals with sz would arguably have some control over their dysfunctional thinking into more positive
L-therefore more appropriate
AO3 limitation
P- an alternative explanation for sz is bio expl or family dysfunction
E-sugg that sz due to hyperdominergia where high level of dopamine in central area is brain associated with auditory hallucinations than dysfunction in thought processing
E-such as lack of meta representation
L-weakening the cognitive expl for sz not only explaination