Psych/Soc Class 7 Flashcards
Sensing of Visual Stimuli
- Stimuli from left visual field will be sent to right side of each retina
- Regardless of which eye, it will travel to the right hemisphere (if from left eye, it will cross over at the optic chiasm)
- Stimuli from right visual field will be sent to left side of each retina
- regardless of which eye, it will travel to the left hemisphere (if from right eye, it will cross over at the optic chiasm)
Deals with emotional responses like fear and anger
Superior colliculus
Known for eye movement
Sensing of Auditory Stimuli
When you hear a sound, the waves hit the auricle > travels through external auditory canal > hits tympanic membrane > hits the 3 bones > neutrotransmitters activate auditory neurons then goes through brain
Sound travelling through right ear/ left ear
Goes through cochlear nucleus then at brainstem, it crosses over to auditory cortex on left side hemisphere / right side hemisphere if travelling from left ear
Sensing of Gustatory Stimuli
Information about taste is transmitted via cranial nerves to an area in the brain in temporal lobe(not far from where brain receives olfactory information)
- Stimulus is processed in gustatory cortex in insula
- Processes emotions of disgust too
Taste receptors
= “taste buds”
Can recognize 5 stimuli: bitter, salt, sweet, sour, umami
Made of specialized epithelial cells which have pores with taste hairs that detect food chemicals
Sensation vs Perception
Sensation is the ENCODING of physical energy from environment
Perception is the DECODING of sensations through selection, organization & interpretation
study of how physical stimuli are translated into a psychological experience
Different stimuli we can detect
taste, smell, touch, pain, sound, light
Sensing of olfactory stimuli
- Olfactory receptors found in roof of nasal pharynx
- Receptors detect airborne chemicals that dissolve in mucus covering nasal membrane
- Olfactory nerves project directly to olfactory bulb of brain which is located in temporal lobe near limbic system
Sensing of bodily stimuli
Body senses tactile information to somatosensory cortex through neural pathways to spinal cord, brain stem & thalamus
Somatosensory cortex
part of the nervous system that integrates touch, pressure, temperature & pain
Primary somatosensory area
The primary cortex for touch sensations and is located in lateral post-central gyrus which is prominent structure in parietal lobe
- detects touch
Premotor cortex
Responsible for some motor control
- located anterior to primary motor cortex
Primary motor cortex
Main contributor to generate neural impulses that pass down to spinal cord & control execution of movement
- located in anterior paracentral lobule on medial surface
AKA proprioception
– allows us to sense position of limbs in space as well as detect bodily movements
Detect mechanical disturbances like pressure or distortion
Respond to physical disturbances in body
Wernicke’s Area
Comprehension of speech
- Also known as fluent aphasia, receptive aphasia, wernicke’s aphasia
- located in posterior superior temporal gyrus
- non coherent (not easy to understand)
Broca’s Area
Production of speech
- Also known as non-fluent aphasia, broca’s aphasia, expressive aphasia
- located in inferior frontal gyrus
- coherent (easy to understand)
Ventral stream vs dorsal stream
Ventral stream - processes what objects are in temporal lobe
Dorsal stream - processes where objects are located in parietal lobe
What system is located in the most forward & underpart of brain?
Olfactory system
Split Brain
Corpus callosum is severed
Ability to accurately guess what an object is without consciously seeing it
Usually happens in patients with primary visual cortex damage
Inability to process sensory information
- Caused by damage to occipitotemporal border
- NOT memory loss
Frontal Lobe
Personality Concentration, planning, problem solving Language production Emotional reaction Speech Smell Voluntary movement
Temporal Lobe
Language comprehension
Face recognition