Psych Quiz 15 Flashcards
Psychologists would most likely use biofeedback to provide clients with information about their:
muscle tension.
estrogen levels.
nicotine tolerance.
fat cell count.
None of the listed answers are correct
Muscle tension
T lymphocytes are formed in the: pancreas. thyroid. thymus. None of the listed answers are correct thalamus. adrenal cortex.
A hay fever sufferer sees a flower on a restaurant table and, not realizing it is plastic, experiences a rapidly accelerating heartbeat and profuse perspiration. This most clearly illustrates that stress reactions can result from:
classical conditioning.
the proliferation of lymphocytes.
None of the listed answers are correct
Classical conditioning
Which of the following factors is most likely to have contributed to the fact that bloodletting once seemed to be an effective medical remedy of people's ailments? spontaneous remission the general adaptation syndrome behavioral medicine biofeedback acupuncture None of the listed answers are correct
spontaneous remission
Aerobic exercise ________ the body’s production of serotonin and ________ its production of endorphine.
None of the listed answers are correct
increases; increases
increases; decreases
decreases; decreases
decreases; increases
Increases; increases
An overreactive immune system is to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ as an underreactive immune system is to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. multiple sclerosis; lupus lupus; arthritis AIDS; multiple sclerosis arthritis: AIDS None of the listed answers are correct
arthritis: AIDS
In the late 1960s, experiments indicated that rats could learn to slow their heartbeat if given pleasurable brain stimulation when their heartbeat decreased. This research most clearly demonstrated the potential utility of:
the placebo effect.
None of the listed answers are correct
the general adaptation syndrome.
spontaneous remission.
acupuncture therapies.
An elevated heart rate is to a difficult final exam as ________ is to _______.
stress reaction; stressor
behavioral medicine; health psychology
coronary heart disease; hypertension
None of the listed answers are correct
macrophage; lymphocyte
Stress reaction; stressor
Donna’s painful symptoms of indigestion and heartburn were effectively reduced when her parents and teachers showed support for her decision not to go to college. Donna’s symptoms of distress best illustrate:
a psychophysiological illness.
None of the listed answers are correct
a Type A personality.
psychophysiological illness.
Highly fearful and inhibited individuals have been described as ________ personalities.
Type C
Type D
None of the listed answers are correct
Type A
Type B
Type D
In a classic experiment, obese patients whose daily caloric intake was dramatically reduced lost only 6 percent of their weight. This limited weight loss was due, at least in part, to the fact that their dietary restriction led to:
the inhibition of their dopamine reuptake.
a proliferation of their lymphocytes.
a sharp decrease in their metabolic rates.
All of the listed answers are correct
a dramatic surge in their cholesterol levels.
None of the listed answers are correct
a sharp decrease in their metabolic rates.
As Type A tax accountants worked to finish their clients' tax returns before the April 15 filing deadline, they experienced a(n) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in blood cholesterol levels and a(n) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in blood clotting speed. decrease; decrease increase; decrease increase; increase decrease; increase None of the listed answers are correct
Increase; increase
Eating a lot of bread and potatoes is most likely to increase the level of:
dopamine in the brain.
All of the listed answers are correct
serotonin in the brain.
lymphocytes in the bloodstream.
None of the listed answers are correct
epinephrine in the bloodstream.
serotonin in the brain.
Who is the best example of a Type A personality?
None of the listed answers are correct
Andre, a competitive, easily-angered journalist
Clay, a reflective, open-minded artist
Susan, a brilliant, self-confident accountant
Bonnie, a relaxed, fun-loving professor
Andre, a competitive, easily-angered journalist
Walter Cannon confirmed that the fight-or-flight response was associated with the release of ________ into the bloodstream.
None of the listed answers are correct
uric acid
A health psychologist would be most likely to conduct research assessing the relationship between:
inherited genes and cardiovascular health.
lung disease and life expectancy.
None of the listed answers are correct
unprotected sex and sexually transmitted diseases.
prenatal hormones and brain development.
unprotected sex and sexually transmitted diseases
Type A is to Type B as \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_. time-conscious; competitive epinephrine; norepinephrine obesity; cancer irritable; calm None of the listed answers are correct
irritable; calm
The white blood cells that fight bacterial infections are formed in the:
limbic system.
None of the listed answers are correct
bone marrow.
adrenal gland.
Bone marrow
Which of the following is the most noticeable nicotine withdrawal symptom?
None of the listed answers are correct
increased serotonin levels
a reduced appetite for carbohydrates
All of the listed answers are correct
Which of the following would be the best advice or encouragement to offer someone who wants to lose excess weight?
Once you lose your excess weight, you will experience a big reduction in your appetite for food.
Try to reduce your weight gradually over a period of several months.
None of the listed answers are correct
Your self-esteem will increase dramatically if you can successfully lose weight.
Avoid complex carbohydrates like potatoes and pasta.
Try to reduce your weight gradually over a period of several months.