Psych Quiz #1 Flashcards
Definition of Psychoanalysis
A person’s problems can all be traced back to experiences in childhood.
Qualities of Pyschoanalysis
A discoverable unconscious, free association, repressing the unconscious desires leads to disorders.
Psychodynamic Theorists
Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler
Behaviorism Definition
Observable behavior; all behavior is learned
Behaviorism qualities
Response to others, belief or focus on scientific theory, classical conditioning, operant conditioning
Little Albert Experiment
Associating fear with trauma; behavior is from what is learned
Classical Conditioning
Associate an involuntary response and a stimulus (Pavlov)
Operant Conditioning
Associating a voluntary behavior and a consequence, for example a dog pushing a lever to get treats (Skinner)
Behaviorism Theorists
John B. Watson, Pavlov, Skinner
Humanism Definition
Based on focusing on people’s ability to direct their own lives
Qualities of Humanism
- What makes humans different from animals
- free will and human potential to become one’s best self
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (humanism)
The top needs are only accomplished of the bottom needs are met; bottom to top: physiological, safety, social, self esteem, self actualization
Person Centered Therapy (humanism)
By using unconditional positive regard, the therapist reflects a client’s own concerns back on them and allows them to gain insight into their feelings, values, and behaviors.
Humanism Theorists
Maslow, Carl Rogers (person-centered)
Cognitive Definition
Focuses on mental processes of thinking, perceiving, remembering, learning, problem solving, and language
Cognitive Development Theory (Piaget)
Your brain has different capacities at different ages; it increases over time. Refer to chart.
Noam Chorsky (Cognitive)
- Theorized on how humans develop language
- disagreed with theory that children develop language as a conditioned response to linguistic stimulus
- basic principals of all language learning is innate in all humans; learning grammar is unconscious according to environment
- contradicted behavioralist
Biological Definition
All behavior is a direct result of events in the body; hormones, chemicals, etc. It is contradictory. Who: Biological psychologists
Sociocultural Definition
Combination of social and cultural perspective; your behavior is influenced by others around you and larger societal patterns
Milgram Shock Experiment
2 rooms, 70% of people administered what they thought were fatal shocks because they were told to (tendency to obey authority). You never know what you’ll do unless placed in such an experiment.
Asch’s Contribution (Sociocultural)
Line experiment; explored the human tendency to fall into conformity and peer pressure. They must know something that you don’t.
Darley and Latanes’ Contribution (sociocultural)
Diffusion of responsibility; The Bystander Effect: the presence of others lessens the chances that a person in trouble receives help.