psych of perception chapter 5 Flashcards
why is it hard to design a perceiving machine?
the stimulus on the receptors is ambiguos
objects can be hidden or blurred
objects look different from diffreent viewpoints
states that perceptions are created by combining elements
perceptual organization
the gestalt approach to perceptual grouping
structuralism - distinguished between sensations and perceptions
apparent movement - illusion of movement, reveals constructive nature of perception
illusory contours - the contours apear real but have no physical edge
principles of perceptual grouping
good continuation - connected points resulting in straight or smooth curves belong together
pragnanz - every stimulus is seen as simply as possible
similarity - similar things are grouped together
inverse projection problem
an image on the retina can be caused by an infinite number of objects
things that are near to each other are grouped together
common fate
things moving in the same direction are grouped together
common region
elements in the same region tend to be grouped together
figure-fround segregation
determining what part of the environment is the figure, so that it ‘stands out’ from the background
information within the image datermines perception-grouping
areas lower in the field of view are more likely to be perceived as a figure
figures are more likely to be perceived on the convex side of the borders
objects with convexity are perceived as figures when they are displayed across a wider view, but not when in the narrower view
difference between objects ans scenes
a scene is acted within, an object is acted upon
oblique effect
people perceive horizontals and verticals more easily then other orientations
uniform connectedness
objects are defined by ares of the same colour or texture
light-from-above heuristic
light in natural environment comes from above us
likelihood principle
objects are perceived on what is most likely to have caused the pattern