Psych Chapter 7: Memory (Part One) Flashcards
Definition of memory
Ability to use past info to solve current and future problems.
What are the stages that our nervous system takes when it comes to memory?
Stage 1: Encoding is the initial process of turning experiences, thoughts, and feelings, into memories. Stage 2: Storage which is the process of maintaining memories over time. Stage 3: Retrieving which is recalling the info.
What is sensory memory (iconic)?
Very brief storage system for sensory info.
What is short-term memory (STM) and how much does it contain?
It is a temporary storage system which holds about 7+/-2 items.
What is chunking?
It is grouping pieces of info into larger and more meaningful clusters.
What is maintenance rehearsal?
Repeating the information.
What is elaborative rehearsal and what is its purpose?
It is adding meaning or connecting the info to other things you know. The purpose is to transfer the info into your long-term memory.
What are the factors of long-term memory?
It has an indefinite duration, there is no known capacity limit, and the more you rehearse the more likely you will transfer info to your LTM.
What are the levels of processing?
Shallow: Memory based on the physical features. Intermediate: Memory based on the acoustical (sound, rhyme) features. Deep: Based on the meaning of the work as well as connecting it to yourself and other things you learn.
Why did researchers change short-term memory into working memory?
STM was initially thought of as just a storage system but its both a storage and an active processing system.
What is a visual store?
Visual and spatial info live there.
What is a verbal store?
Handles verbal and auditory info.
What is an episodic buffer?
A store of long-term memories that interacts with working memory.
What is central executive?
It coordinates all of these components and links them with attention.
What is the serial position effect?
It means the first few words are remembered well and the last few words are remembered well but not the words inbetween.
What is declarative memory and what types are there?
Declarative memory is consciously accessible and knowledge that can be verbalized. There is semantic memory which is the memory of facts and knowledge. There is also memory of events and “episodes” in your personal life.
What is non-declarative memory and what types are there?
Info that is retained and retrieved without conscious effort. One is procedural memory which is the memory of how to perform an action or skill. The second is classical conditioning. The third is priming which is a change in a person’s behavior or cognition due to exposure to a stimulus.
What is a retrieval cue?
Any “cue” that triggers a memory.