Gen Psych Chatper 1 Flashcards
When was Structuralism created?
The Late 1800s
Who created Structuralism?
Wilhelm Wundt
What is Strucuralism?
The study of the basic elements of conciousness as well as the sensations and perceptions of our mind.
When was Functionalism created?
Who created Functionalism?
William James
What is Functionalism?
This is the “why questions of psychology.
Who created psychoanalysis?
Edmund Freud
When was psychoanalysis created?
What is psychoanalysis?
This is a theory that aims to treat a patient by tapping into their unconcious mind.
What were some of Freud’s theories?
He believed in the id, ego, and superego of the mind. He believed that dreams had meaning, and he had strange psycho-sexual theories.
What time period was Behaviorism popular?
The 1920s-1960s
Who were the main theorists of Behaviorism?
Pavlov, Watson, B.F Skinner.
What is Behaviorism?
This is a science on behavior that is visible and observable.
What replaced Behaviorism?
The Cognitive Revolution
When did cognitive psychology begin?
The 1960s
What is cognitive psychology?
This is the study of language, memory, problem-solving, and reasoning.
When did Neuroscience begin?
The 1980s
What is Neuroscience?
This is the study of the brain and its function, anatomy, and chemistry.
What are the two central parts of Neuroscience?
Localization of function and distributed processing.
What is localization of function?
The brain functions differently in specific spots.
What is distributed processings?
Different parts of the brian interact to accomplish a task.
What is the Garcia Effect?
This is the aversion to certain foods when compiled with negative stimuli.
When did Evolutionary Psychology begin?
The 1980s
What is evolutionary psychology?
The understanding that evolution helps us understand the mind.
What is the Embryo Protection Hypothesis?
The theory that says women have this evolved defense mechanism that prevents mothers from ingesting toxins.