psych chapter 10 REVIEW Flashcards
study review
The study of how behaviour changes over time is called:
developmental psychology
the (blank) fallacy is the assumption that because one event happened before another event, the two events are causally related
post hoc fallacy
in a (blank) design, researchers obtain a “snapshot” of people of different ages at a single point in time
research shows that most children are/aren’t remarkably resilient and capable of withstanding stress?
many studies of human development are subject to a (blank), making it difficult to identify the relative effects of genes and environment
both (blank), our genetic endowment and (blank), the environments we encounter, play powerful roles in shaping our development
nature; nurture
early in pregnancy, a ball of identical cells that hasn’t yet taken on any specific function is called the (blank)
the embryo becomes a (blank) once the major organs are established and the heart has begun to beat
environmental factors that can have a negative effect on prenatal development are called
the (blank) point at which infants can typically survive on their own is 25 weeks, but a full term baby is born at (blank) weeks
viability; 40
children rely on (blank) as they learn how to coordinate their movements in order to reach or crawl
motor behaviours `
how do child-rearing practices in other cultures (such as swaddling in Peru), compared with those in Canada, affect children’s short and long term motor development
Cultural variability in practices influences rates of motor development, none of these early physical experiences result in long term advantages or impairments
sexual maturation includes changes in (blank), such as the reproductive organs and genitals, and (blank) such as breast enlargement in girls and deepening voices in boys
primary sex characteristics; secondary sex characteristics
some aspects of physical decline may be related to decreasing (blank) capacities
research suggests that women in menopause are (more/no more) prone to depression than women at other phases of life
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