psych chapt 12 REVIEW Flashcards
study for midterm
the tension, discomfort, or physical symptoms that arise when a situation strains our ability to cope is called
survivors of hurricane sandy might be of particular interest to researchers who study stress from which viewpoint?
stressors as stimuli approach
people’s varied reactions to the same event suggest that we can view stress as a ________ between people and their environments
when we encounter a potentially threatening event, we initially engage in _____________ to decide whether the event is harmful
primary appraisal
we make a ______________ to determine how well we can cope with a harmful event
secondary appraisal
(blank) is a coping strategy people use to tackle life’s challenges head-on
problem-focused coping
when we try to put a positive spin on our feelings or predicaments and engage in behaviours to reduce painful emotions, we are engaging in
emotion-focused coping
the __________ scale is based on 43 life events ranked in terms of how stressful participants rated them
social readjustment rating
how can daily hassles such as traffic, a difficult relationship with a boss, or getting the wrong order at a drive-through restaurant affect our health
daily hassles and minor annoyances can add up and strain our ability to cope
the frequency and perceived severity of hassles are (better/worse) predictors of physical health than major life events
the hormone ___________ further counters stress and promotes the tend-and-befriend response
Trur or false: in a survey of NYC area residents after Sept 11/2001, researchers found that 65 % of the sample were resilient
people who cope well in the aftermath of a stressor tend to display relatively (high/low) levels of functioning before the event
the severity, duration, and nearness to the stressor after people’s likelihood of developing _____________
the telltale symptoms of PTSD include vivid memories, feelings and images of traumatic experiences, known commonly and _______________
AIDS is a life-threatening, incurable, yet treatable condition in which the ____________ attacks and damages the immune system
human immunodeficiency virus
an example of an autoimmune disease in which the immune system is overreactive is (arthritis/alcoholism)
Psychoeuroimmunology is the study of the relationship between the immune system and the ___________ system
central nervous
research has shown that stress (can/can’t) decrease resistance to the cold virus
True or false: ulcers are caused by hot, spicy foods
a biopsychosocial perspective proposes that most medical conditions are neither all physical nor all
scientists have learned that psychological factors, including stress and personality traits are key risk factors for __________
coronary heart disease
what are the characteristics of a Type A personality and what health risks are associated with such a personality?
Type A are competitive, driven, hostile, ambitious and impatient.
Type A can be deadly, increasing risk of coronary heart disease
______________ encompasses our relationships with people and groups that provide emotional and financial assistance as we contend with important decisions or stressful situations
social support
what are the benefits of a strong social network when an individual in undergoing stressful or challenging life events?
emotional comfort, financial assistance, information to make better decisions, solve problems
the ability to step up and take action to reduce the impact of a stressful situation is an example of ____________
behavioural control
_____________ is the ability to think differently about negative emotions that arise in response to stress-provoking events
cognitive control
we engage in _________ when we anticipate stressful situations and take steps to prevent or minimize difficulties before they arise
proactive coping
what is crisis debriefing and how effective is it for people who have experienced a traumatic event?
crisis debriefing sessions, facilitator structures a group discussion of peoples reactions to a shared traumatic even, may actually increase PTSD risk
___________ is a set of attitudes marked by a sense of control over events, commitment to life and work, and motivation and courage to confront stressful events
True or false: optimistic people are better at handling frustration than pessimists
______________ is the search for the sacred, which may or may not extend to belief in God
T or F: Spending a good deal of time ruminating is a productive way of reacting to a stressful situation
the field of psychology that integrates the behavioural sciences with the practice of medicine is called
health psychology
Leading cause of preventable disease and deaths in Canada and the US is due to:
Heavy _________ is associated with significant increases in many different types of cancer, serious/fatal liver problems, brain shrinkage and other neuro problems
T or F: Genes do not play a role in people’s tendency to become overweight
because of the ________ heuristic, we tend to underestimate certain risks to our health and overestimate others
___________ refers to health care practices and products that are used in place of conventional medicine
alternative medicine
T or F: Herbs, vitamins, and dietary supplements are NOT regulated by the Canadian FDA for safety, purity, and effectiveness
____________ is based on the premise that consuming an extremely diluted dose of an illness-inducing substance will activate the body’s own natural defences against it
homeopathic medicine