Psych Flashcards
Antidepressant Induced Mania
Manic symptoms within a few days of starting an antidepressant. New medication should be discontinued before adding new therapy.
Adjustment Disorder w/ Depressed Mood
Onset within 3mo of stressor. <5 of SIGECAPS. Distressed or Impaired. Tx: Psychotherapy
> 2 weeks of 5+ SIGECAPS, marked impairment.
Tx: Antidepressant + Psychotherapy
Bipolar Type I
Episodes of Depression and Mania
Maintenance: Lithium, Valproate. 2nd line Seroquel, Lamotragine.
Must be from 2 different locations (Home/School)
MDD with Seasonal pattern
depressive symptoms plus carb craving onset in fall, improves in summer.
Tx: Antidepressants and bright light therapy
Light therapy can be considered as sole treatment for mild to moderate.
Delusional Disorder
1 delusion for more than 1 month
Ability to function otherwise
Tx: Antipsychotics & CBT
Anorexia nervosa vs Bulemia nervosa
The main difference is anorexics have well below normal weight, where bulemics have normal to above normal weights. Both may features restrictive/purging behaviors.
Body dysmorphic disorder
When the patient displays a preoccupation with perceived faults about their body but does not display behaviors that fall into eating disorder criteria.
Therapy Course in Bipolar
Bipolar is a life long illness. Those that have a severe course (Mutiple manic/depressive episodes, hx of suicide attempt) should remain on pharmacologic therapy as long as the medication does not cause significant side effects.
Selective Mutism
Refusal to speak in a specific setting for greater than 1 month. Will speak in other settings.
Depression plus sleep problems =
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Reaction to 1st and 2nd gen antipsychotics, Usually within first 2 weeks of treatment. Hyperthermia, autonomic instability, lead pipe rigidity, altered sensorium.
Elevated CPK and WBC
Tx: Supportive or Bromocriptine or amantadine if they do not respond to supportive measure after withdrawal of the offending agent.
Bipolar 1 vs 2
1: Mania (interrupts functionality) with or without depressive episodes
2: Hypomania (manic features that are milder and do not affect daily function) with at least 1 episode of MDD
Cyclothymic Disorder
2 or more years of fluctuating hypomania and depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for other mood disorders.
Considerations when prescribing antidepressants
All patients with a history of depression should be screened for episodes of mania/hypomania due to increased risk of antidepressant-induced mania.
Specific Phobia tx
CBT with exposure
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Excessive worry and anxiety for 6mo or more. 3 or more of the following: -Restlessness -Fatigue -Difficulty concentrating -Irritability -Muscle Tension -Sleep Disturbance
Significant distress/impairment
Treatment of MDD with psychotic features
Antidepressant + Antipsychotic, ECT can be considered if risk of suicide is high or patient is refusing to eat.
Panic Disorder
May present with symptoms of depersonalizations/derealization
Antisocial Personality Disorder
- Violation of others rights and social norms
- Impulsive, irritable, aggressive
- Irresponsible, liar, deceitful
- Lack of remorse
- 18 or older
- Evidence of conduct disorder as a kid
Postpartum blues
Onset in 2-3 days, typically resolves in 2 weeks. Mild depression, tearfulness, irritability.
Tx: Reassurance and monitoring
Postpartum depression
Onset within 4-6 weeks, moderate to severe depression symptoms: sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, low energy, psychomotor changes, guilt, difficulty with concentration, SI.
Antidepressants and psychotherapy
Postpartum psychosis
Onset days to weeks, delusions, hallucinations, thought disorganization, bizarre behavior.
Antipsychotics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, hospitalization.
Sleep changes, loss of interest, guilt/feelings of worthlessness, loss of energy, changes in concentration, changes in appetite, psychomotor, suicidal ideation.
Tourette’s Syndrome
Tx: Behavior therapy –> tetrabenazine and antipsychotics –> Alpha 2 agonist.
Lab and sonography findings in depression
Increased cortisol, decreased REM latency, decrease slow wave sleep.
Acute Stress Disorder vs PTSD
<1mo = ASD
Borderline personality disorder
Unstable relationships, emotions, self-image + 5 of the following: Frantic efforts to avoid abandonment Unstable and intense personal relationships Impulsivity recurrent suicidal behavior feelings of emptiness inappropriate and intense anger stress related paranoia
Tx: Psychotherapy
Positive and negative symptoms
6 months or longer
Positive and negative symptoms for less than 6 months
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Problems with close relationships + strange beliefs and perceptions
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Does not desire close relationships, cold affect.
Treatment of akathisia
Decrease dose of antipsychotic
Add betablocker/benzo/benztropine
Methods to improve the reintegration of patients with stable schizophrenia
Family therapy and psychoeducation
Daytime sleepiness, catalepsy, hypnagogic hallucinations, and sleep paralysis.
Tx: Modafinil for sleep
Avoidant personality disorder
Desires close relationships but is afraid of ridicules and rejection
somatic symptom disorder
Preoccupation with one or more symptoms
high levels of medical care use
Illness Anxiety disorder
Patient is convinced that they have a certain disease despite evidence to the contrary.
Schizoaffective disorder
Major depression or manic episodes in concurrence with symptoms of schizophrenia.
must have more than two weeks of stable mood with schizophrenic symptoms.
Treatment for borderline
Treatment for PTSD
Prazosin for nightmares