Psych Flashcards
Serotonin syndrome presentation
Autonomic instability
High BP
poor prognostic indicators in schizophrenia
gradual onset
low IQ
predominant negative symptoms
sneiders first ranks
passivity phenomenon
3rd person auditory hallucinations
thought interference
delusional perception eg traffic light is green therefore I am King
negative vs postive symptoms in schizo
negatives - anhedonia, low mood, apathy, algae, asocial
positives - delusions, hallucinations, passivity, thought interference
RX of schizo - bio, psycho, social
1st line - atypical anti-psychotic
2nd line - change to another anti-psychotic
3rd line - ie resistant schizo, give clozapine
CBT, family intervention, social skills training, support groups, supported employment programmes
rf for schizo
fhx, age 15-35, childhood trauma, cannabis, low socioeconomic status
types of delusions
grandiose, persecutory, nihilistic, reference
lithium monitoring timings
every week 12 hrs after dose until stable
then every 3 months
if change dose go back to step1
lithium side effects - short term and long term
short - fine tremor, GI upset, weight gain
long - hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcaemia, diabetes insipidus
what drugs co prescribed may trigger lithium toxicity
NSAIDs, ACEi, ARBs, loops and thiazides
how long should anti depressants be continued after the resolution of sx
6 months
what can untreated wernickes encephalopathy lead to and what is the triad
anterograde amnesia - can’t form new memories
confabulation - false memories
retrograde amnesia - can’t remember old memories
icd10 for ptsd
exposure to traumatic event
sx occurs within 6 months
persistent remembering
either - inability to recall or persistent sx of increased psychological sensitivity and arousal
questionnaires for ptsd
trauma screening questionnaire
post traumatic diagnostic scale
rx of GAD - Bio psycho social
1st line - SSRI
2nd line - other SSRI or SNRI
3rd line - pregabalin
Support groups
Charities eg mind
atypical vs typical antipsychotic side effects
Typical - EPS and hyperprolactinaemia, lower seizure threshold (clozapine also does this)
Atypical - Diabetes, weight gain, metabolic syndrome
Both - long Qt,
4 EPS and what are they
acute dystonia - oliguric crisis, torticolis
tardive dyskinesia - involuntary movements
akathisia - restlessness
what pathway do antipsychotics work through?
which pathway causes hyperprolactinaemia?
which pathway causes EPS
meso limbic and meso cortical
tubuloinfundibular - prolactin
nigrostriatal causes EPS
obsession vs compulsion
o - repetitive unwanted intrusive thoughts images or urges that person recognises as absurd
c -repetitive behaviours that a person feels driven into performing, may be overt or covert. no enjoyment in this action
ocd questionnaire
Rx of OCD - bio, psycho, social
1st line: SSRI
2nd line: clomipramine
CBT - exposure and response prevention (ERP)
distraction techniques
at what hours do the flowing most likely occur in alcohol withdrawal:
- symptoms
- seizures
- delirium tremens
6-12 hrs
36 hrs
72 hrs
what med to use as alternative to risperidone if causing hyperprolactinaemia