PSY343 - 6. Case Formulation Flashcards
Case Formulation
Process for developing hypothesis about causes, precipitants + maintaining influences of person’s psychological, interpersonal + behavioural problems in context of that individual’s culture + environment
Case Formulation
pulling together ideas + hypothesis about problems + causes based on context
theoretical, but grounded on specific experience of client
explanatory: inferences based on history, biology, sociocultural influences
Case Formulation
currently operating: contingencies + reinforcements in environment
person’s psychology: how they process information
pieces of puzzle: guides diagnosis + approach
Case Formulation
psychodynamic: unconscious
cognitive: beliefs, disruptive thinking
behavioural: learning history + contingencies
depends on approach
heavy emphasis on cause, sometimes narrative
diff depending on orientation + theory
Case Formulation
Subject to revision as new information emerges, new problems develop, new insights gained
tentative - can never be sure why they have problem
Case Formulation
Involves aspects of process and content:
Process: clinician’s activities aimed at eliciting info required to develop formulation content (clinical interview)
ask questions - how i get the data
Case Formulation
Content: problems identified, diagnosis, explanation of problem - data
content will vary widely depending on which theory of psychotherapy + psychopathology clinician uses
Case Formulation
blueprint guiding treatment; tool to facilitate treatment planning
use it to determine how to treat
treatment is also tentative: changes based on preference + how well it’s working, case formulation
Tensions Inherent in Case Formulation
Immediacy vs Comprehensiveness
Balance betw goals of efficiently identifying what is needed to help client + getting all necessary information to help understand client’s situation
pragmatic: need to process lots of info naturally
Tensions Inherent in Case Formulation
more we make sense of it, better we can intervene
comprehensive: also need to take time to see what’s missing
ppl change over time, thinking + relationships change
get more info over time, but we need to start case formulation quickly
Tensions Inherent in Case Formulation
Complexity vs Simplicity: ppl are very complex
we can’t capture complexity
too complex - don’t know what to do with it
simplicity: too reductive - don’t grasp richness of person it’s gonna be useless
Tensions Inherent in Case Formulation
Balance betw goals of integrating multiple aspects of problem into meaningful presentation + keeping formulation clear + reliable
Tensions Inherent in Case Formulation
Therapist Bias vs Objectivity
Balance between managing therapist bias + relying on one’s personal experience to empathize with client
we all have bias
Tensions Inherent in Case Formulation
some can overpathologize based on degree of difference
some underpathologize - same as their experience
use my humanity to relate, but need to see other as seperate
Tensions Inherent in Case Formulation
Observation vs Inference
Balance between gathering descriptive evidence + forming conclusions based on this evidence
too much inferences can be bad
Tensions Inherent in Case Formulation
Individual vs General Formulations
rely on theoretical understanding of how ppl work
relying too much might mean we don’t see individual
if we look at individual too much, we miss years of research
Tensions Inherent in Case Formulation
Balance betw generating unique understanding of an individual with general knowledge about psychopathology + psychotherapy
Case Formulation in Psychotherapy Research
Value of case formulation is relative to its reliability + validity
reliability: extent clinicians agree on approximation of same case formulation
Case Formulation in Psychotherapy Research
validity: how likely is to accurately guide me to successful outcome or the course of treatment
Case Formulation in Psychotherapy Research
Persons (1991): “conceptual incompatibility” betw design of psychotherapy studies + models of psychotherapy evaluated in studies
seitz: consensus problem: looked at same case