A pharmacist shall be required to indicate the serial number the date of expiry of the pharmacist PIC and APO certificate of membership on all pertinent document signed by him or her
Indication of information
Display the c o r in a prominent and conspicuous place
Display of certificate of registration
Establishments that require direct supervision of the registered pharmacist and displays the original copy of the certificate of registration
Category A
Establishments or outlets where the supervision and oversight of a jewelry registered and licensed pharmacist is required The display of a duplicate copy of certificate of registration is required
Category B
It should be done by a registered pharmacist in an establishment with a valid license to operate given by the Philippine FDA
Dispensing sale and compounding of pharmaceutical products
Dispensing or allowing the dispensing or offering for sale of prescription drugs or pharmaceutical products in a place not licensed by the FDA as a pharmaceutical outlet is punishable by the law
No license to operate
Pharmacist dispensing less than the total quantity indicated in the prescription shall be allowed The patient may keep the prescription for his or her next refill
Partial filling of prescription
The last quantity of a prescription pharmacist shall keep the prescription according to proper prescription recording guidelines
Pharmacist dispensing
Pharmacist will keep the prescription after fully dispensing the amount of medicine indicated in the prescription
Fully filled prescription
All prescription drugs must be dispensed only by
All prescriptions field must be recorded in a
Record book
Enumerate the four log books under dispensing and recording of prescription
Prescription record book
Dangerous drug book
Poisonous substances record book
Referral logbook
As approved by the FDA may be done by a pharmacist provided at the pharmacy shall undergo training for safe administration of such vaccines
Administration of adult vaccines
Allowing the display of one’s certificate of registration in pharmaceutical establishment where the pharmacist is not employed and practicing is an punishable by the law
Ghost pharmacists
Yellow prescription is needed and triplicate copy as well
Handling of dangerous drugs
Forcing coercing or intimidating a duly registered and license pharmacist to compound or dispense medical and pharmaceutical products is a violation of the professions of RA 10918
Protection of pharmacists