To practice pharmacy a pharmacist must be a ____
Registered pharmacist
Administration of pharmacy laws in the granting of registration to practice pharmacy to a person or authorities vested in the
Professional regulatory board of pharmacy
The Philippine Pharmacy act
RA 10918
R A 3720
Food drug and cosmetics act
R A 9165
Dangerous drugs act of 2002
R A 6675
The generics law of 1988
RA 8203
Special law on counterfeit drugs
RA 9994
Expanded senior citizens act of 2010
RA 7394
Consumers act of the Philippines
Republic act 10918 is derived from what Republic act
Republic act 5921 or the Philippine Pharmacy law
Republic act 10918 provides four and shall govern the following
- Standardization and regulation of pharmaceutical education
- Examination for registration of graduates of schools of pharmacy
- Supervision control and regulation of the practice of pharmacy in the Philippines
Shall be composed of three members appointed by the president of the Republic of the Philippines
Board of pharmacy
What are the qualifications for you to become a part of the board of pharmacy
- Natural born citizen of the Philippines
- A duly registered pharmacist and has been in the practice for at least 10 years
- A member of good standing of bona fide national pharmaceutical association in the Philippines
- Foreigner residing in the Philippines for at least 5 years
- Not a member of any college of pharmacy
Enumerate the officer in charge the first member and the second member of the board of Pharmacy
Officer in charge, Honorable Mildred Oliveros
First member, Honorable Adelina C. Royo
Second member, Honorable Anthony Aldrin C. Santiago
Enumerate the corresponding professionals that possesses the s licenses
S1 dangerous drug dealer
S2 physician
S3 retailer
S4 distributor or wholesaler
S5 compounder or manufacturer importer exporter and depot
S6 researcher on dangerous drug
Created a subcommittee on food and drugs, and it’s corresponding date
Francisco Duque Sr.
1961 to 1962
It is also known as the Republic act number 3720
When was it passed into law?
Food drug and cosmetics act
July 22 1963
When was FDA was abolished and BFAD was created
December 2 1982
FDA was abolished through what executive order number and who is the health minister of health
Executive order 851
Hon. Jesus M. Azurin
What’s appointed the first director of the BFAD
Honorable Catalina C Sanchez
When was Honorable Catalina C Sanchez was appointed and took her oath
February 20 1984
February 28 1984
It is the date where RA 3720 was amended to have a new name.
Also state the executive order number that amends the RA3720 and it’s new name
Executive order 175
Food drug devices and cosmetics act
This year befad was remained as FDA through the FDA act
It is a republic act of FDA act of 2009
Republic act number 9711