The name of the prescriber his specialty clinic address contact number and office hours
Prescribers information
Full name of the patient address age gender weight body surface area
Patient’s information
Prescriptions are dated at the time they are written
Consist of the heading where the RX symbol is found
Superscription or RX symbol
It is the dispensing directions to the pharmacist
It is the direction to the patient on how to take or use the medication
Transcription or Signa must contain the following:
- Route of administration
- Drug dosage unit per dose
- Frequency of dosing
- Duration of dosing
- Intended use of the drug
It contains the medication prescribed
Inscription must contain the following:
- Non proprietary name or generic name
- Proprietary name or brand name
- Dosage forms
- Strength
- Quantity
If not indicated it is generally assumed that no refills are needed
Refill information
Prescription should contain the complete name and signature of the prescriber who wrote the prescription order includes the PRC number PTR number and the TIN number
Prescribers signature
Enumerate the nine parts of the prescription
- Prescribers information
- Patient’s information
- Date
- Superscription or RX symbol
- Subscription
- Transcription
- Inscription
- Refill information
- Prescribers signature
Brand name precedes the generic name
Generic name is inside a parenthesis
Brand name is not in the parenthesis
Erroneous prescription
Generic name is not written
Generic name is illegible but brand name is legible
Both are written but with worth no substitution
Violative prescription
Only the generic name is written but not legible
The generic name does not match with a brand name
Both generic and brand names are illegible
Drug is not registered with FDA and DOH
Impossible prescription
Used to denote the set of ethical principles perceive only by the professionals themselves to be appropriate for their professional behavior
Professional ethics
Duties of pharmacists
Interns or pharmacy assistants