For a year bachelor’s degree which provides a broad spectrum of scientific training and can lead to employment in a wider range of scientific fields
Pharmacy education
Pharmacy education can lead to a wide range of scientific fields principally:
Higher education institutions, community drug stores, hospitals, in government agencies, research establishments, public health and pharmacy industry
What is the main concern of pharmacy education?
Provide the country with pharmacists who are scientifically competent
Pharmacy education also encompasses:
Household hazardous substances
Drug delivery services and veterinary medicines
What are the knowledge skills aptitudes and competencies of a pharmacist
- Conducting scientific research methods and processes.
- Developing drugs for prevention diagnosis mitigation and treatment of diseases of man and animals
- Identifying compounding manufacturing storing and dispensing of drugs.
- Manage drug establishments based on sound entrepreneurial practice.
- provide pharmaceutical care as well as counseling clients in the proper use of both prescribed and patient chosen medications.
- provide drug and health related information
- advocate professional and ethical pharmacy practice
- contribute to the overall social mental emotional and physical health of individuals communities and country.
It was created to take care of the standardization and regulation of pharmaceutical education
Council of pharmaceutical education
Who are the seven persons that comprises the council of pharmaceutical education
- Secretary of education
- Under secretary of health service
- FDA administrator
- Chairman of the board of Pharmacy
- Dean college of Pharmacy UP
- Dean college of Pharmacy Private school
- Representative of a bona fide national pharmaceutical organization in the Philippines
The RA that regulates and modernize the practice of pharmacy in the Philippines
RA 10918 or the Philippine pharmacy Act
An act creating the shed appropriating funds therefore and for other purposes
RA 7722 or the Higher Education Act of 1994
The following are the qualifications for taking the licensure examination for pharmacists
- He must be a citizen of the Philippines or through the foreign reciprocity.
- He must be of good moral character
- He must have completed an internship program of at least 960 hours
- He must have graduated with the degree of bachelor of science in pharmacy from an accredited school
The board exam is composed of six modules with 100 questions each, enumerate the modules 1 to 6 of the pharmacist licensure examination
- Pharmaceutical chemistry
- Pharmacognosy and biochemistry
- Practice of pharmacy
- Pharmacology and pharmacokinetics
- Pharmaceutics
- Quality assurance and quality control
Pharmacist licensure examination must obtain how many percent with no rating lower than 50% in any modules
A failure of the licensure examination for pharmacists for the third time will result in a?
Refresher course or pre-board review course
Requirements to practice pharmacy:
- Is at least 21 years of age
- Has satisfactory past the corresponding examination given by the board of pharmacy
- Holder of a valid certificate of registration duly issued to him by the board of pharmacy
Otherwise known as the continuing professional development act of 2016
Republic Act number 10912
Is an app which requires CPD as the mandatory requirement for the renewal of professional identification card
RA 10912 or the continuing professional development Act of 2016
The CPD act lapse into law on?
July 21 2016
The CPD Act took effect on?
August 16 2016
The required CPD units for a pharmacist is?
15 units
Is the process of developing professional skills and knowledge through interactive participation based or independent learning. It enables learners to proactively develop their professional capabilities through certified learning or self-guided learning methods.
Continuing professional development
What is the importance of continuing professional development
- Proves that professionals are capable of adhering to current essential standards.
- Helps people to retain a consistent set of high quality relevant skills and knowledge throughout their professional life.
- Demonstrate new knowledge work to impressive standards and progress in their career
Two types of CPD
Formal CPD and informal CPD
Other term for formal CPD
Structured or active learning
Learning modalities under formal CPD
Online and offline training courses
Learning oriented conferences and meetings
Group events