PROTOZOANS (Flagellates) Flashcards
Trophozoite morphology:
- Pear-shaped
- Motility: “falling leaf”
- Nuclei 2” “old man with glasses”, “Monket face”
- Flagella: 4 lateral pairs (2 ventral, 2 dorsal)
- Sucking disc
- Variant specific surface proteins
Cyst morphology:
Cytoplasm often retracted from cyst wall (especially in preserved in formalin)
“Halo effect”
Giardia lamblia/ intestinalis/ duodenale
Diseases caused by. G. lamblia/ intestinalis/ duodenale:
- Gay bowel syndrome
- Leningrad’s curse (traveler’s diarrhea)
- Backpacker’s diarrhea
- Beaver fever
Transmission of G. lamblia/ intestinalis/ duodenale:
- Fecal-oral
- Sexual
Diagnostic test(s) for G. lamblia/ intestinalis/ duodenale:
- Direct Fluorescent Ab - Most sensitive & specific
- Enterotest (String test)
Trophozoite morphology:
- prominent cystostome
- Shepherd’s crook
- Spiral groove
- Rotary motility
Cyst morphology:
- Lemon-shaped with anterior, hyaline knob (nipple-like)
Chilomastix mesnili
Disease caused by Chilomastix mesnili:
Commensal - considered as non-pathogenic
Trophozoite morphology:
- Amoeboid, “stellate” appearance
- Nuclei: 2, with 4-8 karyosome each
- Hakansson phenomenon: explosive disintegration in water
- Formerly classified as amoeba
Dientamoeba fragilis
Disease caused by D. fragilis:
Concomitant with pinworm infections or Ascaris infection
Diagnostic stage of Dientamoeba fragilis:
Binucleatte trophozoite
In diagnosing Dientamoeba fragilis infection, consider:
- fresh stool/ purged stool
Trophozoite morphology:
- Undulating membrane: extends length of the body
- Characteristic wobbly movement
Pentatrichomonas hominis
Trophozoite morphology:
- Undulating membrane: extends 1/2 length of the body
- Siderophil granules
Trichomonas vaginalis
Disease caused bt T. vaginalis:
Strawberry cervix
Ping-pong infection
Medium used for diagnosing T. vaginalis infection:
Diamond’s medium
Developmental stages of Blood flagellates:
- Amastigote
- Promastigote
- Epimastigote
- Trypomastigote
Vector of Leishmania species:
Sandflies (phlebotomus)
Leishmania species that inhabits Cutaneous/Tissue juice
and causes Cutaneous leishmaniasis:
- L. tropica
- L. major
- L. mexicana
Leishmania species that inhabits Mucocutaneous/Tissue juice and causes Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis:
- L. braziliensis
Leishmania species that inhabits Visceral blood and causes Visceral leishmaniasis:
- L. donovani
- L chagasi
- l. infantum
STAGES present in Leishmania species:
- Amastigote
- Promastigote
Leishmania species
Infective stage:
Diagnostic stage:
Leishmania species
Infective stage: Amastigote
Diagnostic stage: Promastigote
Culture used for Leishmania species:
Novy-Macneal-Nicolle medium
(+) Montenegro skin test/ Leishmanin test:
(+) induration
Tests for Visceral leishmaniasis:
- Aldehyde test for Napier (formol gel test)
- Antimony test of Chopra
Vector of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense;
Game-attacking Glossina spps (tsetse fly)
Vector of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense:
Riverine Glossina spps (tsetse fly)
Disease caused by T. brucei rhodesiense:
- Acute African or East African Trypanosomiasis (more severe)
- Sleeping sickness = Nagana’s disease
Disease caused by T. brucei gambiense:
- Chronic African or West African Trypanosomiasis
-Sleeping sickness = Nagana’s disease
Stages present in T. brucei rhodesiense and gambiense:
- Epimastigote
- Trypomastogote
T. brucei rhodesiense & gambiense
Infective stage:
Diagnostic stage:
T. brucei rhodesiense & gambiense
Infective stage: Trypomastigote
Diagnostic stage: Metacyclic trypomastigote
T. brucei rhodesiense & gambiense infective forms are passed in:
Saliva (salivarian)
Important pathogenesis of T. brucei rhodesiense & gambiense
1st stage = ?
1st stage = Skin lesions
Important pathogenesis of T. brucei rhodesiense & gambiense
2nd stage =
2nd stage = Entrance into blood and lymph, liver, spleen, bone marrow “Winterbottom’s sign” (swollen lymph node
Important pathogenesis of T. brucei rhodesiense & gambiense
3rd stage =
3rd stage = CNS involvement, Somnolence (excessive sleepiness), Kerandel’s sign (delayed pain on compression of soft tissue)
Vector of Trypanosoma cruzi:
- Reduvid bug/ cone-nosed bugs/ kissing bugs/ assassin bugs
- Triatioma infestans
- Panstrongylus megistus
- Rhodnius prolixus
Vector pf T. cruzi seen in the Philippines:
- Triatoma rubrofasciata
Diseases caused by Trypanosoma cruzi:
- South American Trypanosomiasis
- Chagas disease
Stages present in Trypanosoma cruzi:
- Amastigote
- Promastigote
- Epimastigote
- Trypomastigote
Trypanosoma cruzi
Infective stage:
Diagnostic stage:
Trypanosoma cruzi
Infective stage: Metacyclic trypomastigote
Diagnostic stage:
- Blood: Trypomastigote
- Tissue: Amastigote
Culture used in diagnosing T. cruzi infection:
- Chang’s medium
- Novy-Macneal-Nicolle medium
Stages obtained/observed in Xenodiagnosis of T. cruzi:
- Epimastigote
- Trypomastigote
Important pathogenesis of T. cruzi infection:
Acute: Anemia
Chronic: Heart is primarily affected. May also cause achalasia and megacolon
Manifestations: Chagoma (swelling)
ROMAÑA’S SIGN (swelling of the eyelid)
Stercorarian trypanosoma:
Trypanosoma cruzi
Salivarian trypanosma:
T. b. rhodesiense
T. b. gambiense