Common name/other name of Fasciolopsis buski:
Giant intestinal fluke
Largest fluke of man
Common name/other name of Echinostoma ilocanum:
Garrison’s fluke
Common name/otehr name of Heterophyes heterophyes:
Von Seiboid fluke
Dwarf intestinal fluke
Common name/other name of Metagonimus yokogawai:
Yokogawai fluke
Egg: Identical to F. hepatica, but larger and with slightly convex operculum
Adult: Elongated-ovoid with unbranched ceca, no shoulder
Fasciolopsis buski
Egg: Ovoid, straw-colored, with small operculum
Adult: Attenuated at both ends; circumoral disk with horseshoe-shaped crown of 49-51 hooks
Echinostoma ilocanum
DEADLIEST smallest fluke in man
Egg: Indistinguishable with Metagonimus
Adult: Pyriform, with fine scaly spines
Heterphyes heterophyes
Egg: Indistinguishable with Heterophyes
Adult: Resembles H. heterophyes, scaly spines distributed over the anterior end
Metagonimus yokogawai
First intermediate host of intestinal flukes:
Snail (differ in species)
Snail species of the first intermediate host of Fasciolopsis buski
- Segmentia
- Hippeutis
Snail species of the first intermediate host of Echinostoma ilocanum
- Gyraulus
- Hippeutis
Snail species of the first intermediate host of Heterophyes heterophyes
- Pironella
- Crithidia
Snail species of the first intermediate host of Metagonimus yokogawai
- Thiara
- Semisulcospira
- Libertina
What is the second intermediate host of Fasciolopsis buski?
Aquatic plants:
- Trapa natans (water caltrop)
- Eliocharis tuberosa (water chestnut)
- Zizania (water bamboo)
What is the second intermediate host of Echinostoma ilocanum?
- Pila luzonica (kuhol)
- Vivipara angularis (suso)
What is the second intermediate host of Heterophyes heterophyes?
- Acanthagobius (yellow fin goby)
What is the second intermediate host of Metagonimus yokogawai?`
- Odontobutis obscurus
- Salmo perryi
Diseases caused by F. buski and E. ilocanum:
- Ulceration
- Obstruction
- Toxic/allergies
Diseases caused by H. heterophyes and M. yokogawai:
- Ulceration; Ectopic: Myocarditis
- CNS/Neurological manifestations