Protozoan and Fungal Infections Flashcards
(1) Tinea corporis, T. cruris, T. capitis (Scalp), T. unguium (Unclean environment)
(2) Contagious and usually one comes in contact with the organism from unclean environments
(3) With T. pedis one can get a secondary bacterial infection
(4) Fungal
(1) A deeper skin lesion caused by Blastomyces dermatitidis
(2) Normal entry is through a wound or lungs
(3) Complication: systemic blastomycosis
(4) Spores in the environment
(5) Fungal
(1) Candida albicans is part of the normal flora
(2) It can cause thrush (milky patches of inflammation on oral mucous membranes, common in infants)
(3) It can cause vaginitis (when vaginal secretions contain large amounts of sugar)
(4) Infects tissues
(5) Most common nosocomial fungal infection
(6) Opportunistic Fungal Infection
(7) Problematic when taking other antibiotics
(8) If left untreated it can go deeper and be more invasive
(1) Protozoan (Trichomonas vaginalis)
(2) Sexually transmitted
(3) Intense itching , copious white discharge
(4) It infects the urogenital tract surfaces in both males and females
(5) T. hominis (intestinal tract) and T. tenax (mouth) are normal commensals in our body
(6) Happens when pH goes up
(1) Coccidioides immitis
(2) Common in Southwewest USA
(3) Spores are inhaled through dust which usually results in flu like symptoms
(4) Self limiting or progressive
(5) Highly infectious and complications can occur such as spreading to meninges or bones
(6) Fungal
(7) Can be spread through coughs
(1) Histoplasma capsulatum is endemic in central and eastern US
(2) Darlings Disease
(3) Soil fungal spores are inhaled which can survive in macrophages (WBC)
(4) Now the spores can be circulates through the body
(5) Complications can arise such as pneumonia and infection in the spleen, liver and lymph nodes
(6) Fungal
(7) Common and in the environment
(1) Caused by the budding yeast called Filobasidiella neoformans
(2) Mild pulmonary disease
(3) It is carried by birds and organism is either inhaled or carries in through the mouth which results in a respiratory infection, found in bird droppings
(4) Complications can occur if it goes systemic and infects the brain
(5) Causes problems for people with AIDS
(6) Dissemination to meninges can occur
(7) Fungal
(1) Caused by pneumocystis jiroveci (carinii) and invades lung cells
(2) It can cause complications if it spreads to other organs
(3) Immunocompromised patients
(4) This organism causes problems for people with AIDS
(5) Rupture of alveolar septa, foamy septum
(6) Fungal
(7) Infected many young people in 1980
(8) Hard to treat
Pneumocystis pneumonia
(1) Aspergillus fumigatus
(2) Infects the lung when the spores are inhaled
(3) Farmers Lung
(4) Can become an invasive lung infection which leads to asphyxiation
(5) Infects burns, cornea, and external ear
(6) Allergic asthmatic response to inhalation of spores
(7) Humans are not the only ones affected
(8) Can cause severe pneumonia in immunocompromised patients
(9) Fungal
(1) Giardia intestinalis (lambia) is the cause of death
(2) Cysts of the organisms are ingested and go to the small ingestine where they mature to the trophozoite and adhere to the bowel wall
(3) It causes severe diarrhea with dehydration and can interrupt normal adsorption
(4) The cysts are not killed by chlorination
(5) Cysts are incased but not as strong as spore, but help with survival in different environments
(6) Protozoa
(1) Amoebic dysentery caused by Entamoeba histolytica
(2) Can be an acute disease or chronic
(3) Severe acute disease of Amebiasis: Amoebic dysentery/ chronic amebiasis
(4) Cysts are ingested and mature to trophozoites in the colon
(5) They can invade the intestinal mucosa and get into the bloodstream
(6) Intestinal lining damage can cause fecal material to get into the body cavity and cause “peritonitis”
(7) The cysts are not killed by normal chlorine concentrations in water
(8) Protozoa
(1) Balantidium coli causes the infection when cysts are ingested and mature into trophozoites
(2) The organism invades the large intestine and can cause “peritonitis”
(3) Protozoa
(1) Caused by the genus Cryptosporidium
(2) Contaminated water is the usual source of the organism but fecal material from kittens and puppies could also be another source
(3) Cysts are ingested and mature to protozoa causing an infection
(4) The organism can spread to other tissues and this organism can cause problems for people with AIDS
(5) Usually not a problem for healthy individuals but is for immunocompromised
(6) Protozoa
(1) Sand fly bites spread through the protozoan which enters the blood stream
(2) Macrophage ingest it but the organism can survive inside and continue to multiply within it
(3) Leishmania donovani can cause extensive damage to the immune system and if left untreated it causes death
(4) A problem for soldiers sent to countries with tropical climate
(5) Parasite/Protozoa
(1) Is endemic in tropic areas
(2) The protozoan enters a human from the bite of a mosquito infected with the organism
(3) People with sickle cell trait are protected from the organism since it can not replicate in an alters RBC
(4) Parasitic protozoan
(1) Malaria first stage: the infected female mosquito carries this stage of the protozoan which enters the human blood stream
Malaria stages “Sporozoite Stage”
(1) the second stage of Malaria
(2) It travels to the liver liver cells rupture and mesozoites invade the RBC where they multiply
Malaria stages “Merozoite stage”
(1) The RBC ruptures periodically to release new merozoites, with a simultaneous rise in body temp
(2) Look at diagram on page 319 of your book
Malaria stages “Trophozoite stage”
Species of malaria causes the most severe disease since it can lead to blood vessel obstruction
Plasmodium falciparum
(1) Resistant to chloroquine drug
(2) Can be identified through a blood smear
(3) Trying to develop a mosquito that is resistant to infection and have it mate in the wild with infectious mosquito
(4) Vaccine is being attempted
(5) Females spread the infection
(6) Vaccine has been attempted but hard to target when there are multiple stages of malaria
Malaria resistance
(1) Toxoplasma gondii causes this disease and it can be found in the feces of cats which can then infect humans or through raw meat
(2) The organism can also be gotten by eating undercooked contaminated meat
(3) Usually the infection causes mild lymph node inflammation and it is a self limiting disease
(4) Teratogen
(5) This organism also causes a problem for people with AIDS
(6) Research is currently in progress to see if there is a connection between the organism and schizophrenia
(7) Alters ability for a mouse to fear things meaning it alters brain chemistry
(8) Parasite protozoan
(1) African Sleeping Sickness
(2) Caused by protozoan (genus Trypanosoma) transmitted by the bite of a tsetse fly
(3) Human disease either caused by T. brucei rhodesiense or T. brucei gambiense
(4) Hard to develop a vaccine with the protecting antigens
(5) Organism infects all the organs and if left untreated will cause death
(6) Parasitic protozoan
(1) Trypanosoma cruzi
(2) Southern USA
(3) Muscle pain and paralysis
(4) Pseudocysts: aggregates formed when there is repeated parasite division in the lymph nodes
(5) Transmitted by reduviid bug (similar to fly)
(6) Can cross placenta and infect
(7) Goes systemic but likes to reside in nervous tissue
(8) Seemingly acute but can go unnoticed and cause heart problems and nervous tissue damage
Chagas Disease