Protozoa of the CNS Sketchy Copy Flashcards
Toxoplasma gondii
lab tests
Oh Hi, IZ makin sum Toxo
- Ring enhancing lesions on MRI (usually many lesions vs. CNS lymphomas with a single lesion).
- Biopsy will dx from CNS lymphoma.
- (+) for IgG for toxo

Toxoplasma gondii
Oh Hi, IZ makin sum Toxo
- Consuming raw or undercooked meat containing tissue cysts.
- Ingestion of water or vegetables contaminated with oocysts shed from the feces of infected animals*.
- Through placenta from mother to fetus in utero.
* (T. gondii is an intracellular parasitic protozoa that infects almost any warm blooded animal.)

Toxoplasma gondii
Most susceptible
Oh Hi, IZ makin sum Toxo
- Pregnant women & fetus (TORCHeS infection!)
Congenital toxo due to transplacental transfer.
*(Pregnant women should NOT change kitty litter!)
- Immunocompromised
(HIV/AID’s pt. with CD4 < 100)

Toxoplasma gondii
signs and symptoms if healthy
Oh Hi, IZ makin sum Toxo
Flu-like symptoms

Toxoplasma gondii
signs and symptoms if immunocompromised
Oh Hi, IZ makin sum Toxo
- Ring enhancing lesions on MRI (usually many lesions vs. CNS lymphomas with a single lesion).
- Toxoplasma encephalitis
- Chorioretinitis

Toxoplasma gondii
signs and symptoms of congenital toxo
Oh Hi, IZ makin sum Toxo
Classic Triad:
- Brain and intracranial calcifications
- hydrocephalous
- Chorioretinitis
Also seen: seizures and deafness

Toxoplasma gondii
Oh Hi, IZ makin sum Toxo
For active infections:
Sulfadiazine and Pyramethamine
For prophylaxis when CD4 counts < 100 AND (+) for toxo IgG:

TORCHeS Infections
TORCHeS Infections:
Other (HIV, VZV, Parvovirus B19, enteroviruses, others)
Trypansoma brucei gambiense and rhodesiense
lab tests
Prince Bruce to the Rescue
Trypomastogotes on blood smear (finger tip prick etc).
Motile with single flagella.

Trypansoma brucei gambiense and rhodesiense
Prince Bruce to the Rescue
painful bite from Tsetse fly (vector)
W & SE Africa: Gambia and Rodesia (old name for Zimbabwe)

Trypansoma brucei gambiense and rhodesiense
signs and symptoms
Prince Bruce to the Rescue
- Sleeping sickness! (a problem of CNS and spinal fluid)
- Cervical and axillary lymphadenopathy (after being bit the parasites move from the blood to the lymph nodes)
- Recurrent fevers (from blood infection; Caused by variable surface glycoprotein coats undergoing constant antigenic variation)

Trypansoma brucei gambiense and rhodesiense
Prince Bruce to the Rescue
For CNS infection: Melarsoprol
For peripheral blood infections: Suramin*
(think suramin for serum!)

Naegleria fowleri
lab tests
Naegleria Falls
Lumbar puncture to diagnose

Naegleria fowleri
Naegleria Falls
Fresh water (especially warm stagnant water)
- Water sports or lakes
- Nasal irrigation (OTC)
- Contact lens solutions

Naegleria fowleri
signs and symptoms
Naegleria Falls
- Causes Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis.
(nucal rigidity, fevers, altered mental status)
- High mortality (that’s rapidly fatal) due to entry through the cribiform plate!

Naegleria fowleri
Naegleria Falls