Gram (+) branching filamentous bacilli - Sketchy Copy Flashcards
lab tests
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gram (+) Filamentous bacilli
Catalase (+)
Urease (+)
Obligate Aerobe (vs. anaerobe for actinomyces)
Mycolic Acids stain light acid fast on carbofusion stain
DOES NOT form spores (but found in soil)

Increased risks for?
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Increased risks for…
- CGD patients (Chronic Granulomatous Disease) have increased risk from catalase (+) organisms.
- Immunocompromised are especially vulnerable.
- Men > Women

signs and symptoms
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3 parts
- Pulmonary: Pneumonia like symptoms, Cavitating in the lungs)
- CNS: Due to systemic spread from lungs. Brain abscess formation.
- Cutaneous: Indurated (hardened) lessions and inflammatory reaction

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Actinomyces israaelii
Israeli Soldier
Oxygen-Tolerant anaerobic culture - Week of Cultivation
Sulfur and Filamentous Properties are Microscopically Investigated

Actinomyces israaelii
General Features
Israeli Soldier
gram (+) Filamentous bacilli
Obligate Anaerobe (vs. aerobe for Nocardia)
Yellow sulfur granules in thick yellow pus

Actinomyces israaelii
signs and symptoms
Israeli Soldier
“Cervical facies actinomyces infection”
* Associated with jaw trauma or recent dental work
(due to being normal flora of oral cavity)
Jaw trauma or dental work → Non-tender lumps → abcess → sinus tracts → drains infection site through the skin → think yellow pus filled with sulfur granules

Actinomyces israaelii
Israeli Soldier