Helminths - Cestodes (tapeworms) and Trematodes (flukes) Sketchy Copy Flashcards
Tinnea soleum and sagginatum
Cestodes (tape worms)
Cestode County Carnival
Often found in immigrants or farmers.
- Intermediate hosts for T. soleum are pigs.
- intermediate hosts for T. sagginatum are cows.

Tinnea soleum and sagginatum
Cestodes (tape worms)
2 types of transmission
Cestode County Carnival
- Ingestion of cysts or larvae in undercooked meat → GI issues or malabsorption (Taeniasis)
- Ingestion of poop water contaminated with Tinnea eggs** → goes to **brain** (_Neuro_cysticercosis) or tissues (Cysticercosis**).

Tinnea soleum and sagginatum
Cestodes (tape worms)
signs and symptoms
Cestode County Carnival
- Taeniasis: Gi issues or malabsorption
- Cysticercosis: Lumps in tissue under skin
- Neurocysticercosis: Seizures, lesions (swiss cheese appearance!) in brain, eyes, and skin, hydrocephalus

Tinnea soleum and sagginatum
Cestodes (tape worms)
lab tests / tx
Cestode County Carnival
- O&P stool sample will show hooks on proglottid (segment) heads of T. soleum (pig intermediate!), no hooks on T. sagginatum (cow intermediate!).
- tx with Pa_r_aziquantal**
- Neurocysticercosis tx with addition of abendozle

Diphyllobothrium latum
Cestodes (tape worms)
source / signs and symptoms
Cestode County Carnival
Found in uncooked or undercooked fish.
Causes diarrhea (sm. intestine) & associated B12 (Cobalamin) deficiency → Megaloblastic anemia

Diphyllobothrium latum
Cestodes (tape worms)
lab tests / tx
Cestode County Carnival
- O&P stool sample will show proglottid segments.
* Largest tapeworm, up to 10 meters!!!
- tx with Pa_r_aziquantal** or **Niclosamide

Echinococcus granulosus
Cestodes (tape worms)
source / signs and symptoms
Cestode County Carnival
Dogs are the definitive host → Sheep are the intermediate host → Humans are incidental hosts.
- Transmission to humans via dog feces (in food or water)
- Cause hydated cysts (clear fluid inside the cysts, look like slow growing tumors)
- Cyst like mass in liver shows “Eggshell calcifications” on CT

Echinococcus granulosus
Cestodes (tape worms)
lab tests / tx
Cestode County Carnival
- “Eggshell calcifications” on CT of liver
- When cysts rupture they can cause an anaphylaxis reaction!
- When attempting removal, must inject with solution (ethanol or hypertonic saline) to kill the cysts before removal.
- Eosinophilia

Schistosoma mansoni, japonicum, haematobium
Trematodes (flukes / flat worms)
source / infection cycle
San Fran-schisto ocean park (Schistosomiasis)
- Free living aquatic organisms → gain entrance through the skin → enter blood stream → carried to liver → mature into adults in the liver! → humans poop and pee into water → snails become intermediate hosts → adult then migrate AGAINST** the **portal flow in the venus system to reach their destination.
- S. mansoni and S. japonicum like to reside in mesenteric veins.
- S. haematobium likes to reside in veins of bladder.

Schistosoma mansoni, japonicum, haematobium
Trematodes (flukes / flat worms)
signs and symptoms
San Fran-schisto ocean park (Schistosomiasis)
- Swimmers itch where larvae penetrate the skin.
S. mansoni and S. japonicum:
- Portal HTN → (chronically) GI distension and abdominal pain.
- Liver cirrhosis and jaundice.
S. haematobium:
- Hematuria in bladder and risk of bladder cancer.

Schistosoma mansoni, japonicum, haematobium
Trematodes (flukes / flat worms)
lab tests / tx
San Fran-schisto ocean park (Schistosomiasis)
Tx for all Trematodes (flukes): Pra_z_iquantal**
On stool O&P you will see:
- S. mansoni: large lateral spine on the side of the body of the egg
- S. japonicum: small spine (or absent) on eggs. Mostly round.
- S. haematobium: Large terminal spine

Clonirchis sinensis
Trematodes (flukes / flat worms)
source / signs and symptoms
San Fran-schisto ocean park
- “Chinese liver fluke”
- Snails are intermediate host → transfered to fish → Humans eat cysted larvae in uncooked fish.
Leads to:
- Biliary track fibrosis** and _cholangio_carcinoma** (bile duct cancer)
- Pigmented gallstones

Clonirchis sinensis
Trematodes (flukes / flat worms)
lab tests / tx
San Fran-schisto ocean park
Tx for all Trematodes (flukes): Pra_z_iquantal**
On stool O&P you will see:
- Operculated eggs (looks like little hats on eggs)

Parogonimus westermonti
Trematodes (flukes / flat worms)
source / signs and symptoms
San Fran-schisto ocean park
- “Lung fluke”
- Snails are intermediate host → transfered to crab** → Humans eat **cysted larvae in undercooked crab meat.
Leads to:
- Chronic cough w/ bloody sputum

Parogonimus westermonti
Trematodes (flukes / flat worms)
lab tests / tx
San Fran-schisto ocean park
Tx for all Trematodes (flukes): Pra_z_iquantal**
On stool O&P you will see:
- Operculated eggs (looks like little hats on eggs)