Fungi - Opportunistic Fungi Sketchy Copy Flashcards
Mu Car Auto Shop
- Debridement first: Surgically remove dead tissue.
Candida albicans
signs and symptoms
Candid Canadians
- Severe diaper rash (when exposed to heat and humidity)
- Oral candidiasis (in immunocompromised or from inhaled steroids)
- White patches in mouth (CAN be scraped for KOH prep)
- Esophagitis and white pseudo membranes
- Vaginal candidiasis
- Endocarditis
Pneumocystis jiroveci (Pneumocystis Pneumonia)
lab tests
PCP Ping Pong
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) for diagnosis.
Will often not be visible on XRAY, but if it is, it will have a cracked glass appearance in both lungs.
Methamine silver stain to identify fungus. Looks like disc shaped yeasts.
Candida albicans
lab tests
Candid Canadians
Dimorphic (but not mold in cold!!!)
- Budding yeast at 20º with pseudohyphae.
- Mold form with true hyphae germ tubes at 37º
catalase (+)*
AIDS defining illness at CD4 < 100
White patches in mouth can be scraped off for KOH prep. (vs. leukoplakia where patches CANT be scraped off)
* Aspergillus also catalase (+). Catalase (+) ↑ risk of Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD).
Candida albicans
AIDS defining illness
Candid Canadians
AIDS defining illness at CD4 < 100
Aspergillus fumigatus
3 types of infection
2. Aspergillosis causing aspergillomas
Asparagus Farm
Associated with TB (susceptibility ↑ with TB cavities)
Aspergillomas are gravity dependent so fungus balls will be at the bottom of the cavity
Aspergillus fumigatus
3 types of infection
3. Angioinvasive aspergillosis
Asparagus Farm
Seen in pt with neutropenia from leukemia or lymphoma.
Aspergillus invades blood vessels and the surrounding tissues.
Leads to kidney failure, endocarditis, ring enhancing lesions in the brain.
Invades nasal sinus (causing Angioinvasive aspergillosis) leading to hemoptysis (coughing up blood) or blood stained mucos.
Candida albicans
predisposing factors
Candid Canadians
- AIDS (CD4 < 100)
- Diabetics
- Birth control pills
- Antibiotics (due to lowering the pH).
* Candida infections occur at a pH < 4 vs. gardenella at a pH > 4.5
- IV drug users (Candida found in some heroine) infecting tricuspid valve.
Cryptococcus neoformans
lab tests
Crypt for Cryptococcus
- Cryptococci are heavily encapsulated.
- Repeating polysaccharide antigen. Can be detected by Latex agglutination test by causing agglutination.
- Urease (+)
- Bronchopulmonary washings of lung tissue that resembles soap bubbles. (can be stained with mucicarmine red or methanamine silver stains).
- Lumbar puncture and India ink will show wide encapsulated halos (Negative stain! Dark background with transparent organisms)
Aspergillus fumigatus
Asparagus Farm
_For less serious infection_s: Voriconazole
For angioinvasive disease: AMP B
Pneumocystis jiroveci (Pneumocystis Pneumonia)
signs and symptoms
PCP Ping Pong
- PCP is a diffuse interstitial pneumonia
- pneumonia-like symptoms
- NON-productive cough
(symptoms evident in immunocompromised vs. asymptomatic in healthy individuals.)
Cryptococcus neoformans
Crypt for Cryptococcus
Joint therapy with AMP B and flucytosine…
Then fluconazole after
Cryptococcus neoformans
Crypt for Cryptococcus
Transmitted by pigeon droppings!
Also found in soil.
Inhaled into lungs.
predisposing factors
Mu Car Auto Shop
- Immunocompromised (leukemia, neutropenia, etc)
- Diabetes patients
- Diabetic Ketone acidosis (DKA) is the most common predisposing factor.
(Mucormycoses likes to proliferate in blood vessel walls, especially where there is ↑ glucose and ↑ keytones)
Aspergillus fumigatus
lab tests
Asparagus Farm
Catalase (+) *
Acute branching (< 45º) with septations (Aspergillus)
(ddx Mucor which has 90º branching and is nonseptate)
* Candida also catalase (+). Catalase (+) ↑ risk of Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD)