Gram (-) bacilli (Enteric tract) - Sketchy Copy Flashcards
Proteus mirabilis
lab tests
The god of the public restroom
gram (-) bacillus
Facultative Anaerobe
Swarming motillity when plated
urease (+) - Purple Color In tube
H2S (+)
EMB medium - Pink, Lactose Negative

Proteus mirabilis
signs and symptoms
The god of the public restroom
Stag horn calculi, kidney stones
(urease → ⬆ pH → kidney struvite stones → stag horn calculi on imaging)
Fishy Odor

Proteus mirabilis
The god of the public restroom

Yersinia enterocolitica & pestis
lab tests
Yersins pets
Blood Agar Cold Enrichment (Not safe for Y. Pestis)
gram (-) bacillus
“safety pin” staining (stains heavily on two ends)

Yersinia enterocolitica
Yersins pets
Puppy feces
Contaminated milk products
(Similar to listeria; resistant to cold temperatures)
* Children most commonly infected

Yersinia enterocolitica & pestis
Shared VF
(Y.Pestis has much more)
Yersins pets
Antiphagocytic Capsule

Yersinia enterocolitica
signs and symptoms
Yersins pets
Bloody diarrhea
Mimics appendicitis
Invasive systemic effects like fever, intestinal issues, leukocytes, abscesses, majar bowel issues.

Yersinia pestis
Yersins pets
Rats or prarie dogs → fleas → humans
(Transmitted through humans as incidental host)

Yersinia pestis
Yersins pets
Yersinia outer proteins inhibit macrophages through a type 3 secretion system → inhibits phagocytosis
Abscesses in organs or DIC from Endotoxin and Neurotoxin.
Exotoxins - Pla: Plasminogen Activator

Yersinia pestis
signs and symptoms
Yersins pets
* Bubonic plague (25 million died)
Forms buboes (swollen inflammed lymph node).
The lymph nodes are swollen and tender.
Abcesses in organs or DIC.

Yersinia pestis
Yersins pets
Aminoglycosides with tetracycline

Yersinia pestis
Yersins pets
Killed vaccine

lab tests
She Gorilla’s Circus
gram (-) bacillus
Facultative Intracellular
H2S (-)
Lactose (-)
Green colonies on hektoin agar (ddx Salmonella which grows black)
(hektoin agar is yellow to salmon color if H2S or Lactose is present with the bacteira, green if neither)

She Gorilla’s Circus
- Acid Stable (needs fewer organisms to cause infection).
- Shigella uses M cells in peyers patches to phagocytose them → then escape the phagolysosome prior to destruction → Shigella uses the host cells actin cytoskeleton to create a tail → propels itself to new cells.
- Damages tissue and releases cytokines → inflame tissue → bloody diarrhea

She Gorilla’s Circus
LPS (endotoxin) leads to inflammation, type 3 secretion.
Shiga toxin binds to the 60s subunit of ribosomes and inhibits translation.

Signs and symptoms
She Gorilla’s Circus
Shigella Dyssentaria
gastroenteritis (inflammatory**) → **watery diarrhea → bloody diarrhea (with leukocytes)
Leads to hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS; but more common in E. coli) in younger children (most commonly under 10 y/o)
Pro-germinal diarrhea followed with acute renal failure (glomerular damage) → Shistocytes (fragmented RBC’s)

She Gorilla’s Circus
Macrolides and Fluoroquinolones

Escherichia coli
lab tests
E. Cola’s soda fountain
Catalase (+), Indole(ONPG+)
Green metallic** sheen on **EMB agar
Ferments Lactose (+) → pink on MacConkey’s agar
gram (-) bacillus
Encapsulated - K antigen + O antigen for Outer mem.
Facultative Anaerobe
oxidase, Urease and H2S (-)

Escherichia coli
E. Cola’s soda fountain
- Main VF are Capsular K antigen and Flagellar H antigens.
* causes neonatal meningitis only if has the K antigen
- E. coli is leading cause of gram (-) sepsis by LPS endotoxin in outer cell membrane
- Fimbriae lead to UTI’s (#1 cause of UTI’s)

Escherichia coli
Major pathotypes of E. coli
E. Cola’s soda fountain
* Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)
* Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)
Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC)
Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC)
Adherent-Invasive E. coli (AIEC)

Escherichia coli
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)
E. Cola’s soda fountain
Severe Hemorrhagic Colitis caused by strain 0157:H7.
Common cause is undercooked meat.
Causes bloody diarrhea with little to no fever but mucosal inflammation or invasion..
EHEC is the only E. Coli that does not ferment sorbital.
Shiga-like Toxin inhibits ribosomes at the 60s position → can cause hemolytic uretic syndrome (HUS)

Escherichia coli
Shiga-like Toxin
E. Cola’s soda fountain
Shiga-like Toxin is from the Enterohemorrhagic (EHEC) strain of E. coli
Shiga-like Toxin inhibits ribosomes at the 60s position → can cause hemolytic uretic syndrome (HUS)
Shiga-like Toxin damages endothelial cells of capillaries in the glomerulus → platlets adhere to damaged endothelial cells → ⬇ platelet count → causing thrombocytopenia → platelet clumps hemolysis RBC’s

Escherichia coli
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
E. Cola’s soda fountain
“Traveler’s Diarrhea”
Heat Labile toxin → produces cAMP (symp effects)
Heat Stable toxin → produces cGMP (p.s. effects)
Watery DIarrhea

Escherichia coli
E. Cola’s soda fountain
Fluids to help prevent dehydration and fatigue
If hemolytic uremic syndrome -> IV fluids, blood transfusions and kidney dialysis
Antibiogram to Check Resistance : Complicated Cases - Beta Lactam and Lactamase Inhibitor

Campylobacter jejuni
General and Biochemical Properties and Lab tests
Camping guy and the bears
* gram (-) Spiral/curved bacillus
Oxidase (+) and Catalase (+)
Skirrow Agar : Microaerophilic and Thermophile (prefers 42°C) with VPN- (Cant grow H.Pylori)

Campylobacter jejuni
Camping guy and the bears
Main reservoir is intestinal tract of poultry.
Transmitted by fecal oral, contaminated water, or ingestion of raw milk.

Campylobacter jejuni
Camping guy and the bears
Bacteria colonize intestinal mucosa and attach to epithelial cells → replicate intracellulary → causing acute PMN response, edema of the mucosa, and ulcerations.

Campylobacter jejuni
Signs and symptoms
Camping guy and the bears
Bloody stools and diarrhea
Bacteremia (INVASIVE)
*Complications: Reactive arthritis (Reiter syndrome)
Ascending paralysis (Guillen barre syndrome)
Acute enteritis

Campylobacter jejuni
Guillen barre syndrome
Camping guy and the bears; (guy and bears = Guillen Barre!)
Campylobacter jejuni can cause Guillen barre syndrome.
Autoimmune response damages myelin** of **peripheral nerves leading to ascending paralysis
(starts at the feet then ascends!)

Campylobacter jejuni
Camping guy and the bears
Supportive care for 3-5 days
Erythromycin in severe cases

Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia
lab tests
(common to all three)
Hospital room scene
gram (-) bacilli
Ferments Lactose → turns pink on MacConkeys

Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia
Enterobacter ddx
Shared traits
gram (-) bacilli
Ferments Lactose → turns pink on MacConkeys
Hospital room scene
Very motile - Peritrichous Flagella

Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia
Serratia ddx
Shared traits
gram (-) bacilli
Ferments Lactose → turns pink on MacConkeys
Hospital room scene
Very motile
Red pigment when cultured
(like a pink ring around shower or bright red)
Catalase (+)

Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia
Klebsiella ddx
Shared traits
gram (-) bacilli
Ferments Lactose → turns pink on MacConkeys
Hospital room scene
* 3 A’s!!! (Alcoholics, Abscesses, Aspiration)
* sputum that is red color
Klebsiella is Immotile
Urease (+)
Polysaccharide capsule
Cavatary “TB like” lesions

Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia
Hospital room scene
3rd-generation cephalosporins, cefepime, carbapenems, fluoroquinolones, piperacillin/tazobactam, or aminoglycosides.
Some isolates are resistant to multiple antibiotics, susceptibility testing is essential.
(*Multi Drug Resistant Carbopenam or

Helicobacter Pylori
lab tests
The Helicopter Pilot
curved gram (-) bacillus ,Motile (Flagella)
Microaerophillic ,Catalase( +), oxidase (+)
Endoscopic Biopsy: Urease (+); can use Urease Breath Test! (urea is broken down and exhaled as CO2 and NH3)
ELISA from Urine/Blood Sample with Westren Blot to confirm

Helicobacter Pylori
The Helicopter Pilot
Urease is the major VF: reduces the acidity of the stomach, allowing H. Pylori to survive there.
Adhesins used to adhere to stomach
Mucinase aids the penetration into the mucous layer of the stomach

Helicobacter Pylori
signs and symptoms
The Helicopter Pilot
Transmitted Fecal Oral or Orally.
Causes 95% of all duodenal ulcers.
Chronic infection → ⬆ acid infection → risk of developing gastric adenocarcinoma.
Can develop lymphoma of mucous associatied lymphoid tissue (MALT).

Helicobacter Pylori
The Helicopter Pilot
Proton pump inhibitors - Omeprazole
Macrolide: Clarithromycin
(Severe cases with +Metronidazole, if resistant - Bismuth salts)

lab tests
The suiters of pseudo Mona
gram (-) bacillus
obligate Aerobe
oxidase (+)
catalase (+)
Blue green pigment when plated (from Pyocyanin and pyoverdin, may even turn wounds blue)

signs and symptoms
The suiters of pseudo Mona
* Thrives in aquatic environments (HOT TUB FOLLICULITIS)
- ⬆ risk if pt has Chronic Granulomatous Disease
- Fruity grape like odor
- May turn wounds blue (from Pyocyanin and pyoverdin)
- Most common gram (-) Nosocomial Pneumonia
- Osteomyelitis in IV drug users and diabetics
- UTI’s (catheters!)
- Burn patients are especially susceptile
- Ecthyma gangrenosum
- Otitis Externa (Swimmers ear)

Respiratory failure in who?
The suiters of pseudo Mona
Respiratory failure in CF patients.
Most common gram (-) Nosocomial Pneumonia.
(CL- channels dysfunctional in CF)

The suiters of pseudo Mona
Exotoxin A: EF2- ADP-Ribosylation
Pyocyanin - ROS agaisnt other Microbes
Pyoverdin - Biofilms and Iron
Elastase - Complement Inhibition
PLC - Cell Membrane Lysis

Exotoxin A
The suiters of pseudo Mona
Only Gram Negative with Exotoxin
Ribosolation of EF2** → inhibition of protein synthesis and cell death

The suiters of pseudo Mona
Piperacillin (penicillin)
and Fluoroquinolones

Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhi
lab tests
The salmon dinner
gram (-) bacillus
Faculatative Intracellular (macrophages → colon)
H2S (+) → Black on hektoen agar
Capsulated (citrate use turns indicator blue due to alk pH)
Acid labile (need high doses to cause infection)
Indole (-) due to lack of tryptophanase

Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella Typhi
Salmonella enteritidis ddx
The salmon dinner
Caused by eating undercooked chickens
Causes inflammatory diarrhea and gastroenteritis (Salmonelosis)
Contains type 3 secretion system → detects eukaryotic cells that will ⬆ infectivity

Salmonella enterica and Salmonella typhi
Salmonella typhi ddx
(Typhoid fever)
1 cause of Osteomyletis in adults with sickle cell
The salmon dinner
Always from a human source
* Red spots on trunk / stomach
*“pea soup” diarrhea
3 phases (multiply, bactereremia, 2nd bacteremia)

Salmonella enterica and Salmonella typhi
Salmonella typhi phases
(Typhoid fever)
The salmon dinner
3 phases (multiply, bactereremia, 2nd bacteremia)
1) Bacteria multiply. When enough are in the intestines → lethargy, dull frontal headaches, constipation**, rise in body temp
2) Bacteremia → fever, severely ill with a dull expressionless look, rose spots develop mainly on the trunk
3) Second bacteremia from reinfection of biliary tract → pus in stools, bleeding in payers patches, Ileum necrosis

Salmonella enterica and Salmonella typhi
The salmon dinner
Many resistances
Do not use antidiarrheal
Salmonella Septicemia: Agressive Chloramphenicol, amp, Amox, or TMP/SMX for 10 days
Flouroquinalones (Cipro/levo)
Ceftriaxone for Invasive and Bloody

Vibrio Cholera
General and Biochemical Properties
Colonel Cholera’s Base Camp
Comma shaped gram (-) curved bacilli
Oxidase (+)
Acid labile
Halophile - “Salt Lover”

Vibrio Cholera
lab tests
Colonel Cholera’s Base Camp
TCBS agar (Thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose agar) used to selectively grow and isolate Vibrio (Alkaline)
Slide Agglutination for O1 / O139 Antigens

Vibrio Cholera
Colonel Cholera’s Base Camp
Cholera toxin is the main virulence factor and is an AB type toxin
- ⬆ Gαs cAMP production by binding to and ⬆ activation of adenylate cyclase
- Then it activate GS pathway → ⬆ cAMP → efflux of Cl and H2O → Watery DIarrhea

Vibrio Cholera
Transmission and MOA
Colonel Cholera’s Base Camp
Cholera is transmitted fecal-oral due to poor sanitation** allowing it to get into **food (not an invasive infection).
Cholera attaches to the mucosa by fimbriae attaching to the ganglioside receptors in the intestinal wall.

Vibrio Cholera
signs and symptoms
Colonel Cholera’s Base Camp
Profuse watery diarrhea -“Rice Water” stool
Could progress to Acidosis, Dehydration and Shock

Vibrio Cholera
Colonel Cholera’s Base Camp
Oral rehydration with electrolytes
In sever cases - Tetracycline

Vibrio vulnificus and Parahaemolyiticus
ddx from Cholera
Colonel Cholera’s Base Camp
contaminates seafood, especially oysters
Vibrio V. → causes Acute Gastroenteritis
Vibrio P. → causes fulminating septicemia → death
(marked edema and necrosis)