Protestant reformation Flashcards
Bridge the gap between them and God through prayer, meditation.
Christian Humanism
Northern humanism
Erasmus (1470-1540
- “Praise of Folly”: made fun of clergy’s corruption
- education for true faith in god
Thomas More 1480-1540
Bridged medieval and modern world
- “Utopia”: satire of 16th century society
- communal living
Cause for reformation
- selling of high church office
Cause of reformation
- offices for relatives
Cause for reformation
- holding of multiple church offices
Cause for reformation
- not in one’s spiritual domain because of pluralism
Cause for reformation
- reduce a sinner’s time in purgatory
Pope Leo X 1513-21
Allowed sale of indulgences by monk Johan Tetzel (1517)
Criticized by Luther
Ninety Five Theses:
- Only auth in Christianity is bible
- salvation from faith alone
- Salvation by god’s grace
Peasants revolt of 1524-25
- Luther criticized peasants for mixing politics and religion
- He needed support from German princes
Diet of Worms
Luther vs Charles V
Luther protected by Frederick III (elector of Saxony)
Peace of Augsburg
- Settle religious conflict
- divide empire between Luth and Cath areas
- princes determine the religion
- excluded calvinists
Charles V abdication
Gives HRE to Ferdinand II
Spain to Philip II
John Calvin 1510-60
- Calvinism
- Leader of Switzerland Geneva
- politics guided by Ecclesiastical ordinances
Predestination: god determines the person’s fate before its birth.
John Knox
Brings Calvinism to Scotland
Zwingli (1480-1530)
Marburg Colloquy: settle disputes between him and Luther
- separation of church and state
- Adult baptism, does not have to be baptized at birth
Act of Supremacy 1533
Declared Henry VIII head of church.
Confiscated church lands
Act of Succession
Legitimized Elizabeth as heir
Act of Uniformity
Edward V
Simpler ways worship
Book of common prayer
Social impact of Protes Reform
Family: center of social life
Education: increased
Social class: development of capitalism
Jesuits 1540s
Catholic reformation
Society of Jesus
Found by Loyola
Council of Trent
- cardinals rid church abuses
- provided better education
- promote transit statistician (bread and wine to body)
Roman inquisition 1542
Strengthen papacy
Rid perceived heresies