Describe proteostasis
Dynamic regulation of proteins in cell
Describe autophagy
Process in which cytoplasmic material is delivered to the lysosome inside a double-membraned vesicles for degradation
Three types of autophagy
Chaperone-mediated autophagy
Micro autophagy
Macro autophagy
What is an autophagosome?
A unique organelle that mediates autophagy
Starts with phagophore which engulfs
Principles of macroautophagy
A double membrane structure sequesters random cell material (e.g. organelles, soluble cytosolic proteins, protein aggregates) for degradation.
This structure is designated the autophagosome.
Subsequently, the outer membrane of the autophagosome lysosome containing hydrolases releases its contents into AP for degradation
Autophagosome formation:
Initiation key players
MTORC1 complex
ATG1/ULK1/2 complex
Class III P13K complex
Nucleation key players
PI3P recruits and activates other proteins
Elongation and closure key players
Atg complex recruited - elongation
Activates LC3-PE binding - closure