Prose II Flashcards
Whats narrative present?
In narrative present, the events of the story are described using present tense verbs. This creates a sense of immediacy and makes the reader feel as though they are experiencing the events in real time.
Whats narrative past?
In narrative past, the events of the story are described using past tense verbs. This is the more traditional and commonly used verb tense in storytelling.
Whats gnomic present?
present tense used for universally valid statement
Whats Chronology?
Events in an assumed story take place in a certain order, for instance a child is born, grows up, marries, leads a contented life, dies. A narrative can tell about these events chronologically in the order in which they occurred: ABCDE.
Whats anachrony?
Discourses deviating from chronology and present events not in different orders: EABCD (mild), CABED or ACDEB (radical).
1. prolepsis (flashforward): A prolepsis is often merely a short remark; narrating I knows more than the experiencing I, outside the regular chronology.
2. Analepsis (flashback): narrating I remembers events in the past
Whats an example for space and genre?
Gothic genre
Whats space and plot?
Plot associated with certain space
Whats space and character?
plot connected to characters, spaces associated to characters
Whats space and theme?
symbolic space (f.e. Mansions in the great Gatsby = money as a symbol)
Whats ob ovo?
“Ob ovo” is a Latin phrase that translates to “from the egg” or “from the beginning.” In literature, an “ob ovo” beginning refers to a narrative structure that starts at the very beginning of the story, providing a chronological account of events from the earliest point.
Whats in medias res?
“In medias res” is a Latin phrase meaning “into the midst of things.” In literature, an “in medias res” beginning involves starting the narrative in the middle of the story, rather than at the beginning. The narrative may begin at a crucial or dramatic moment, skipping the exposition or backstory. This technique creates an immediate sense of action or conflict, capturing the reader’s attention and curiosity. The earlier events and background information are later revealed through flashbacks, dialogues, or other narrative devices.
Whats in Ultimas res?
In Ultimas Res: “In ultimas res” is another Latin phrase, meaning “into the last things” or “toward the end.” In literature, an “in ultimas res” beginning involves starting the narrative towards the end of the story, typically during a climactic or pivotal moment. This type of beginning creates a sense of anticipation and intrigue as readers are thrown into the midst of intense action or a crucial turning point.
Whats a closed ending?
A closed ending, also known as a resolved ending, provides a sense of conclusion and finality to the story. It ties up loose ends, answers major questions, and resolves the main conflicts or plotlines. The reader gains a sense of satisfaction as
the narrative reaches a definitive endpoint. Closed endings often provide a clear resolution for the characters and their arcs, leaving little room for interpretation or speculation. It brings a sense of closure and completeness to the story.
Whats an open ending?
Open Ending: An open ending, on the other hand, leaves some aspects of the story unresolved, ambiguous, or open to interpretation. It intentionally avoids providing a definitive conclusion or tying up all loose ends. Instead, it invites readers to contemplate and speculate about the potential outcomes or meanings beyond the final pages. Open endings often allow for multiple interpretations and encourage readers to engage actively with the story by filling in the gaps or imagining possible futures for the characters.
Whats closure?
Closure: closure refers to the sense of resolution or completion that readers experience at the end of a story. It signifies the tying up of loose ends, the resolution of conflicts, and the satisfying culmination of narrative arcs. Closure provides a sense of fulfillment, allowing readers to feel a sense of finality and understanding. Linked to poetic justice.
Whats poetic justice?
Poetic justice is a literary concept that refers to the ideal or fitting outcome or resolution of a story, particularly in relation to the moral or ethical choices and actions of the characters. It involves the reward or punishment that characters receive based on their behaviors, often aligning with their virtues or vices. Poetic justice is intended to create a sense of fairness or balance in the narrative.
Whats direct discourse?
Direct discourse involves the direct quotation of a character’s speech or thoughts. It presents the character’s exact words or stream of consciousness within quotation marks. Direct discourse allows readers to hear or experience the character’s thoughts or spoken words as if they were directly present in the scene. For example: “I love this place,” she said.
Whats free direct discourse?
Same as direct discourse, but no quotation marks
Whats indirect discourse?
Indirect discourse involves reporting or summarizing a character’s speech or thoughts, without using their exact words or quotation marks. It presents the information indirectly, often through narration or paraphrasing. Indirect discourse provides a summary or retelling of the character’s speech or thoughts. For example: She said that she loved the place.
Whats free indirect discourse?
Free indirect discourse is a narrative technique that combines elements of both direct and indirect discourse. It represents a character’s thoughts, feelings, or speech indirectly, but without explicitly attributing them to the character or using quotation marks. It blends the character’s perspective with the narrator’s voice, creating a fluid and intimate narrative style. Free indirect discourse allows readers to experience the character’s inner world while maintaining the narrative voice. For example: She couldn’t believe how much she loved the place.
Whats psychonarration?
Psychonarration refers to the narrator’s description or representation of a character’s mental or emotional state. It involves the narrator directly describing a character’s thoughts, feelings, or consciousness. Psychonarration provides insights into a character’s internal experiences without directly quoting their speech or thoughts. It allows readers to understand the character’s psychological state through the narrator’s observations. For example: She was overwhelmed by a deep sense of love for the place.
Whats an interior monologue?
Interior monologue represents a character’s uninterrupted flow of thoughts and consciousness, usually presented in the character’s own voice. It immerses readers in the character’s mind, revealing their unfiltered thoughts. Example: I can’t believe how much I love this place. It’s like a dream come true.
Whats block characterization?
one block of description of the character, all information of character all at once.
Whats stream of consciousness?
Stream of consciousness is a narrative technique used in literature to depict the continuous flow of a character’s unfiltered thoughts, impressions, and sensations. It aims to replicate the inner workings of the human mind by presenting thoughts in a spontaneous and uninterrupted manner, often without conventional sentence structure or punctuation. Stream of consciousness allows readers to experience the character’s consciousness directly, immersing them in the character’s thoughts and emotions.
Whats a periodical novel?
A periodical novel refers to a type of novel that was serialized or published in installments in a periodical or magazine. This was a common practice in the 19th century, particularly in publications like newspapers and literary magazines. Instead of being published as a complete book from the outset, the novel would be released gradually, with new chapters or sections appearing in each issue of the periodical. (Medium)
Whats a serial publication novel?
A serial publication novel, is a novel that is published in sequential installments or episodes in a periodical or magazine. Rather than being released as a complete book, the novel is divided into parts and published gradually over a period of time, with each installment appearing in successive issues of the periodical.
Whats a three-decker novel?
A three-decker novel refers to a specific type of novel that was popular in the 19th century, particularly in Britain. The term “three-decker” comes from the fact that these novels were typically published in three volumes or “decks,” each containing a separate part of the story.