Prose - Dís Flashcards
The woman was at home all day caring for the baby
Bhí an bhean sa bhaile ar feadh an lae ag tabhairt aire don leanbh
The man wanted to read the newspaper
Theastaigh ón bhfear páipéar nuachta a léamh
The woman said she took part in a survey one day
Dúirt an bhean gur ghlac sí páirt i suirbhé lá éigin
The woman said in the survey she was not happy with her married life
Dúirt an bhean sa suirbhé nach raibh sí sásta ina saol pósta
The man was angry about this
Bhí fearg ar an bhfear faoi seo
The woman said she told lies in the survey
Dúirt an bhean gur d’inis sí bréige sa suirbhé
She said she was sick of the usual thing
Dúirt sí go raibh sí bréan den ghnáthrud
A lot is exposed in a few words in this short story
Tá mórán á nochtadh i mbeagán focal sa ghearrscéal seo
The theme of this short story is “life of married women”
Is é téama an ghearrscéil seo na “saol na mná pósta”
We see conflict between the two different outlooks people in couples have
Feicimid coimhlint idir an dhá mheon éagsúla atá ag daoine i lánúineacha
We see a lot of contrast between their outlooks and get an insight into their relationship as a result
Feicimid a lán codarsnacht idir a ndearcadh agus faighimid léargas ar a gcaidreamh dá bharr
She is a woman without a name, and the name “Sean’s wife” puts of emphasis on her status in the home and in society
Is bean gan ainm í, agus cuireann an ainm “bean chéile Seán” béim ar a stádas sa bhaile agus sa tsochaí
We see irony here. She spends all day giving attention to her house, to her husband and to her baby, but no one gives her any attention
Feicimid íoróin anseo. Caitheann sí gach lá ag tabhairt aire dá teach, dá fear chéile agus dá linbh, ach ní thugann éine aire di
She started talking with Sean’s wife about “life of the married woman”
Thosaigh sí ag caint le bean chéile Seán faoi saol na mná pósta
She got a job out of the home giving out surveys, like the survey woman
Fuair sí post as an bhaile, ag tabhairt suirbhéanna amach, cosúil le bean an suirbhé