PROPOFOL Flashcards
Drug Class
Alkylphenol intravenous anesthetic agent
Induction of General Anesthesia
Maintenance of Anesthesia
Procedural Sedation
Mechanism of Action
Not well described
Adult Induction Dose
2-2.5 mg / kg IV
Administration Considerations
Solution is irritating - use lidocaine BEFORE
Within one arm-brain circulation time (approx. 20 seconds)
Approx 5-8 min after single induction dose.
Offset of action is more prolonged when administered as continuous infusion.
Elimination half time
0.5 - 1.5 hrs
Rapid redistribution into lean body compartments
Very lipophilic
Metabolized by liver and extra hepatic sites
Excreted by kidneys
CNS Effect
CNS Depressant: sedation - anesthesia
NO ANALGESIC properties
Variable amnesia
Potentiates depressant effect of opioids, sedative, volatile anesthetics.
Decreased cerebral metabolic rate and intracranial pressure.
CVS Effects
Direct myocardial depressant
Vasodilation leading to hypotension
Respiratory Effects
Depression of respiratory centers leading to brief apnea
Blunts airway response to manipulation (i.e. no bronchospasm)
GI Effects
Egg or say allergy
Poor left ventricular function
Critcal coronary artery insufficiency
Serious illness
Storage Considerations
The emulsion supports bacterial growth - use asceptic techniques and DO NOT leave open / drawn for > 4 - 6 hrs
Pediatric Induction Dose
3-4 mg / kg IV
Maintenance Infusion Dose
100-200 ug / kg / min
0-4 mg/kg/h
Procedural Sedation Dose Outside of Operating Room
0.5 - 1 mg / kg followed by 0.25 - 0.5 mg / kg q 1 - 3 min PRN
Sedation Infusion Dose
40-100 ug / kg /min
0-4 mg/kg/hr
RSI Dose
1.5 - 2 mg / kg IV