Propagation Flashcards
What is difference between sexual and asexual reproduction
sexual reproduction has differing genetics and asexual are clones of parent plant
What are the different methods of asexual propagation
dividing, cutting, layering, and grafting
used in clonal propagation, rootstocks and trees
How many nodes does a cutting include
several nodes, around 6’’ stem
union of a root system (undertstock or rootstock) with shoot system (scion) in a manner that they grow as one composite plant
When is grafting done?
winter, early spring while both scion and rootstock are still dormant
a form of grafting that uses a smaller scion piece sometimes just a piece of the stem with an axillary bud
When is budding preformed
before or during growing season
why is grafting used?
Most fruit trees don’t come true to seeds, cuttings don’t root easily
Name four benefits of grafting and budding
change varieties or cultivars, optimize cross-pollination and pollination, benefit from interstocks, repairing a tree, and index viruses
What is Meristematic Growth
undifferentiated plant tissue from which new cells and new plant tissues arise
Apical meristem
forms terminal growth
Vascular cambium
cambium- actively dividing layer of cells between bark and wood; produces new xylem to the inside and new phloem to the outside, cause thickening
undifferentiated tissue that forms around a wounded plant surface
What factors affect budding/grafting success?
environmental conditions, growth activity of rootstock, polairty, craftsmanship, pest
create t-cut on rootstock, select budwood from current season’s growth rootstock a one yard old 1/4 inch, wrap budding tape
Chip budding
removal of bud of desired variety insertion in stock, bard doesn’t need to be slipping, done dormant season, cut branch 1/2 inch above top of bud to force growth
Patch budding
cut a rectangle patch in wood and place bud of scion over this an wrap with bud tape
Whip grafting
add multiple varieties to a fruit tree already growing, joining wood of equal or nearly equal diameter gernerally about pencil thickness
Cleft grafting
allows the union of a rootstock limb that is much larger in size than the scion piece, conducted in late winter