Fruit Growth and Thinning Flashcards
What is a fruit set
process of a flower forming a fruit. Occurs when successful fertilization occurs and initatess seed development
When and what is flower drop?
During or shortly after full bloom defective flowers fall
Which hormones in seeds affect fruit growth
Gibberellic acid and, Indole-3-acetic acid
What is June drop
Physiological fruit drop caused by a shortage of carbohydrates in the tree, occurs 4-6 weeks after full bloom, April/May
What causes June drop?
the trees have limited leaf area for photosynthesis but a lot of developing fruit all demanding carbohydrates to grow
What cultural practices can be used to increase CHO availability to fruit?
Nitrogen is cruitcal to good fruit set, zinc and boron deficiency can induce abscission in almond, and water deficit can induce drop
What happens if all fruit are left on the trees
Fruit will be small and poor quality; branches will break off or split, encourages pest and diseases, alternate bearing with no energy for producing flower buds
What are the benefits of thinning?
improves the leaf-to-fruit ratio, reduces the overall weight of fruit, and limit disease
Which fruit trees are thinned
Peaches, nectarines, plums, pluots, apricots, apples, and pears
What factors effect thinning?
Variety, History of orchard site with variety, age, market demands from variety, degree of fruit set, severity of pruning
what are the types of mechanical thinning?
mallet, string thinner, and trunk shakers
What are the types of chemical thinning?
bloom period and post bloom, GA sprayed on foliage mid to later summer to inhibit flower bud development and subsequent spring bloom.
controlled process that in most cases is initiated during the development of the organ by the formation of an abscission zone, Ethylene accelerates this process
Which chemicals cause thinning
ethephon- release ethylene gas, auxins- reduce photosynthesis, cytokinin decrease sugar translocation, and carbaryl- restricts vascular influx
What is associated with the growth of fruits?
cell division and expansion of intercellular spaces
What is associated with the growth of fruits?
cell division and expansion of intercellular spaces
What is fruit growth and yield dependent on?
development processes (driving rates of fruit maturation and demand for carbohydrates and nutrients), and assimilation processes (determining the supply of carbohydrates and nutrients available to support growth and development)
What determines fruit developmental processes
relative growth rate determines individual fruit growth potential and heat unit accumulation determines rates of fruit maturity